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Woodridge To the editor: Page 6A today (4/9) shows a bird I have known all my life but have never called a blue cardinal. What happened to the blue jay???? Why this name?? more
Claryville To the editor: I am writing in solidarity with Third Act and Catskill Mountainkeeper to urge our Governor Hochul not to approve the widening of Route 17 in Orange and Sullivan … more
Youngsville To the editor: Many of you reading this know me as the longtime Supervisor of the Town of Callicoon, the Vice President of the County Supervisors Association and the Vice … more
IOU President Liberty To the editor: We of Interfaith Outreach United Inc. (IOU) heartily agree with your editorial of March 26 urging the governor to approve more funding for the … more
Woodbourne To the editor: Attending legislative meetings lately has become a bit like following the White Rabbit down that dark hole. A legislator who had run for office only 4 months ago … more
Parksville To the editor: It appears that there is a “new sheriff in town” named Louis Ingrassia who is running for the recently vacated State Assembly position for Sullivan … more
Last week I was in Savannah, Georgia, with my sisters Laurie and Mary and their better halves, Dick and John.   We rented a gorgeous Airbnb in the downtown area, a completely renovated brick … more
Dave Colavito Rock Hill To the editor: I don’t know all the candidates who interviewed to head our Office of the County Attorney – I’m told some already work there, … more
Anthony Ritter Linda Slocum Narrowsburg To the editor: The town recently announced that they had made arrangements with an architect to advise the town on renovations to the … more
Steve White Bethel To the editor: Is it just me or is it a remarkable coincidence that the day after George Santos reappears at the State of the Union Address in Washington D.C., … more
Bethel To the editor: On Tuesday, February 27th the Conservative Party of Sullivan County led by Chairman Ed Magilton endorsed Camille O’Brien for the 100th Assembly seat in the … more
Rock Hill To the editor: County records show reconciled expenses Infinite Care owes the county for operations at the adult Care Center 4Q21 through 4Q22 total over $6.5M. 2023 amounts are … more
Rhinebeck To the editor: Many that are lined up against former President Trump have been poised to be dancing on his grave for quite awhile. The recent ruling of a $355 million penalty in … more
Liberty To the editor: From the news I am hearing the Isrealis are acting just as brutally toward the Palestinians in Gaza as the Nazi did toward the Jews in Europe during   World War … more
Narrowsburg To the editor: My 14 year old daughter who has mental health issues went to Garnet Hospital in Harris NY seeking help and they had us there for about two hours and finally we … more
Cochecton To the editor: President Obama & Biden’s ‘Fast n Furious’ gun running program that killed many with no charges brings us to today; Mexico can sue our … more
Grahamsville To the editor: l wish to personally congratulate Tri-Valley Central School Students Samantha Mentnech (age 17) and Devyn Callahan (age 17) for receiving Regional Awards in the … more
Glen Wild To the editor: Every President has his faults and makes mistakes. Afghanistan could have been done better but at least we’re done with 20 years of occuptaion. Did former … more
Monticello To the editor: Teacher of the Century award. This is how we describe Eugene Weinstein still running around at 98. Because of him many of his students have saved the lives of … more
Liberty To the editor: I have been motivated to write this letter by Trump’s victory in the caucus in Iowa. I had hoped that the people in Iowa would have sent Trump and all that he … more
Lake Huntington To the editor: In the Friday, January 12th edition of the Democrat, a letter from Steve White of Bethel was published under the heading, “Thank God for THIS … more
Honesdale, PA To the editor: I wanted to say thank you on behalf of the “Travis Canfield Memorial Fund,” with The Dime Bank. Over many weeks our family has spent countless … more
Napanoch To the editor: As an alumnus, retired employee and a taxpayer, I feel an obligation to shine a light on what is happening at Tri-Valley Central School. Recently, … more
To the editor: Facing east, a stone wall and a clump of trees The full moon quickly rises up and over thee When it reaches the open sky The moon man blows a mighty sigh A … more
Lake Huntington                                                     … more
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