The highlight of the Wednesday, May 10 meeting of the Bethel Town Board was the presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to Deputy Town Clerk Ruth Duncan in recognition of her continual hard …
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The highlight of the Wednesday, May 10 meeting of the Bethel Town Board was the presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation to Deputy Town Clerk Ruth Duncan in recognition of her continual hard work in that capacity since 2015.
She has also worked as Planning Board Secretary (1999-2003) and Zoning Board Recording Secretary (1989-2003). She is a volunteer at the food pantry at the 1st Presbyterian Church, where she is Deacon and Treasurer, tends to the sick and friendless, drives people to doctors, takes pets to vets, and stands in for Town Clerk Ruth Sheenan when she is doing errands or attending meetings. Her award is well deserved.
Other reports
Town Supervisor Dan Sturm said the General Fund income is up 14.2 percent at $350,000 Mortgage taxes (just in the 1st Quarter) were $203,000 compared to $238,000 for the first two quarters last year. Non-operating funds have been placed in an investment bank, NYCLASS, which caters to municipalities. The bank had conducted a presentation and after careful planning, the Rate of Return has been strong at 4.75 percent. “We are earning a good return on our money,” stated Sturm. Expenses have been higher than usual with the necessity of replacing water filtration and phone systems at the Justice Court and a General Fund insurance increase, totaling about $50,000.
The Building Dept. has used 32.7 percent of its budget so far compared to 33% last year. March construction was $2.8M; last year it was $1.1M. YTD expenses were 3.2% down. March income was $20,00; last year it was $8,000. April income was $11,470; last year it was $6,000. Dan Sturm said, ”I’m tired of hearing complaints about the Building Dept. It is nonsense that it is understaffed. They handle noise and garbage complaints, court violations, inspections, code enforcement, and planning and zoning issues. They do a very good job!”
The Town Clerk reported total revenue of $5,550 of which the town’s share is $5,279. The Transfer Station is busy, with 300 people there Sunday.
The Town had requested bids through legal notices and staff outreach for the reconstruction and expansion of the Town Hall building. It is to be energy efficient and meet passive house standards. However, no bids were submitted and there will be an evaluation of options.
Councilman William Crumley announced the opening of town camps. Residents and returning campers will come first; registration is at the Duggan School on 5/16, 5:15-6pm and 5/20, 9-11am. The camp is now hiring a seasonal EMT and lifeguards for those interested in a summer job.
Councilwoman Vicki Simpson extended a thank you to local firemen, who have been especially busy. She emphasized the presence of BJ Gettel at the meeting and noted the difficulty of her job, as well as staff members at the Building Dept. Joseph and Christy. “It’s not an easy job. You can’t always be popular.” She reported that the second indoor market was an enjoyable event, with a puppet show, a gymnastic presentation, and a cooking lesson. There will be another on 5/29, 11am-2pm. “If anyone wants to have a really nice day, come to the market.”
The next Town Board meeting is Wednesday, May 24 at 7:30 and all town offices will be closed Monday, May 29 for Memorial Day.
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