140 Years Ago - 1883
Peter Weismann last week found an Indian tomahawk on his farm a mile north of Callicoon (Callicoon Center). The edge was protruding from the soil in a field that had never …
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140 Years Ago - 1883
Peter Weismann last week found an Indian tomahawk on his farm a mile north of Callicoon (Callicoon Center). The edge was protruding from the soil in a field that had never been plowed.
The Greenback Tic-ket: Member of Assembly Peter Aikins, Rockland; District Attorney, Henry Davidson of Rockland; Judge of Sessions, S.J. Gregory of Liberty; Coroners W. Hamilton of Fallsburg, Wm. V. Purvis of Rockland and Daniel Parsello of Mamakating. These are the nominations in the county and the Register (organ of the party) says it will “take a full vote of the party.” In 1881 the vote was for Thorton, 2,381; Hooper, 805.
Anthony Thuman, son of Barbara Thuman who resides at Callicoon, was instantly killed on the 15 inst. while working in a mine in California. Transportation of his remains was impossible. Burial services will be held in the R.C. Church in Jeff on Friday, November 23.
We have learned that John Goeble, the upper leather tanner living between Jeff and Youngsville, died last Monday night. Note: Frank Pecsi now owns the John Goeble place and it was on this he had his upper leather tannery.
130 Years Ago - 1893
H.A. Wolcott and John Carling of Hartford, Conn., have secured a franchise for an electric light plant at Liberty to be in operation within a year from next spring.
C.A. Ranft, our new postmaster, will have considerable clearing out to do to make room for the post office or else build an addition.
On Wednesday, the wife of George H. Neumann, hotel proprietor of Callicoon, fell headlong down the cellar stairs and received a large scalp wound. Wm. J. Harding dressed the wound.
O.E. Inderlied of Youngsville will take up the dancing platform in his large hall.
Think of it! Wurtsboro wants the county seat and claims a central location.
The price of milk paid the farmers at the Jeffersonville Creamery for the month of November is an average of $1.17 per hundredweight which is a little over two and a half cents a quart.
Callicoon Depot will soon have a new industry, the owner of which is our lumber dealer, Mr. Hermann. Mr. Hermann has purchased the Tim Cox property on which he will erect a plant 35x60 in which he will place the necessary machinery for matching and planing lumber.
120 Years Ago - 1903
Frank Brand of Jeffersonville died Sunday in Middletown. He was 33 years old, a son of the late Dr. Wm. Brand.
On Tuesday, Dr. Luther Payne and Millie Sarles were married at the bride’s home by Rev. Hunt. Both rate among Liberty’s most prominent young people.
The Town of Callicoon will not come under the money system until next year due to a provision in the law. The assessors had already made the poll tax assessments. The town had voted to go on the cash system for its highways but this must now await a year.
Horse flesh is popular in Paris. Last year, 31,700 horses, 495 donkeys and 49 mules were eaten in the French capital.
Twin sons were born to J.W. Albee and wife of Roscoe recently and it has been suggested that they be named after the twin villages – Roscoe and Rockland.
The Monticello News, established over a year ago by Thomas Pendell, has suspended publication for lack of support and the plant will be hereafter conducted as a job printing office.
Wm. Short sued J.M. Schmidt & Sons before Justice Hofer to recover for apples sold. He claims the contract price was $1 a barrel, while Schmidt claims it was 75¢.
110 Years Ago - 1913
The attorneys for Charles Becker, former police lieutenant under sentence for the murder of Herman Rosenthal, a gambler, was argued before the State Court of Appeals in an effort to save their client’s life. A decision is not expected in three months.
On Friday, four more young men, John Brog, Seth Eltz, Alfred Fitzpatrick and Walter Pfeiffer, quit the farm and went to the city in search of employment.
Oscar Candee Olmstead, who was born at Youngsville, August 21, 1848, the son of Eleazer and Emily Baldwin Olmstead, died at Middletown Monday morning. Mr. Olmstead’s childhood home is now occupied by U. Abplanalp, opposite the Forest House.
William Leschorn of Livingston Manor and Esther S. Klinger of North Branch were married at St. Paul’s Parsonage at Callicoon Center by Rev. J.E. Straub.
Miss Rose Meyer of Youngsville and Henry Wehner of Shandelee were married November 24, at St. Paul’s Parsonage, Liberty, by Rev. Freirmuth.
Harlee C. Albee of Rockland has been made president and general manager of the Wisner Mfg. Co., makers of dairy supplies. He will make his home in the city and it is said his salary will be $100 a week.
S.C. Litts has sold his bottling works at Livingston Manor to Hartley Flurschutz, who has been employed by Litts for several years.
100 Years Ago - 1923
Dr. Frederick A. Cook, a native of Hortonville and who was once honored the world over as the first man to reach the North Pole, was convicted in federal court at Fort Worth, Tex., last week on a charge of using the U.S. mails to defraud in the sale of oil stock. He was sentenced to serve fourteen years in prison and pay a fine of $12,000.
Gussie Neuberger says he’s gonna have raccoon instead of turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. The other day he shot a fat 188-pound coon on the hill near his place. The meat of coon is similar to mutton.
Christina M. Sohl of Jeffersonville has just been notified that she earned a state certificate in the examination she took at Cortland last August. Miss Sohl’s achievement is manifest when it is known that a state certificate in itself is earned by but a small number of the candidates that try for one. She qualified in one examination while generally the candidates take three or four.
Rev. William Hones of Roscoe again supplied the Presbyterian pulpit here last Sunday morning and evening and preached two excellent sermons.
The Court of Appeals has unanimously affirmed a final order in favor of Charles Victor Livingston against the appeal of the New York Ontario & Western Railroad with ownership of certain lands in Livingston Manor on which the railroad company constructed its rails and other property. Editor’s Note: This decision had great historic significance. The residents of Livingston Manor found themselves with clouds on their land titles and paid $2,000,000 to Livingston.
90 Years Ago - 1933
Charles F. Kaiser of Youngs-ville, who has been clerking in an Ellenville law office, was recently admitted to practice at the bar. Charles is also police justice in Ellenville.
The following election expense accounts have been filed in the town clerk’s office of Callicoon: Supervisor Fred W. Schadt, $31; Bernard Brockwehl, $40; Town Clerk Mabel Stoddard, $4; Clinton Segar, $12.15; Collector Fred J. Weiss, $4; Justice Albert Menges, $5. Others reported no expenses.
Larry Hauschild and Al Lieb went to Swan Lake on Sunday and fished through the ice, returning with a big mess. The ice is six inches thick.
Alfred Polster of Beechwoods and Theresa Fiala of Richmond Hills, were married at St. Joseph’s Seminary by Rev. Flubar Carrol on Saturday, November 25.
Miss Ella Augusta Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Myers of Jeffersonville, and Clinton Robert Huter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huter of North Branch, were married at the Kenoza Lake M. E. Church by Rev. Albert H. Mather.
To the debtors of George W. Halske, doing business as Jeffersonville Garage: Please take notice that all accounts have been assigned to me and all parties owing to the above are requested to communicate at the earliest convenience. William von Berg.
Rev. Harry Bordeox, a southern gentleman, supplied the Presbyterian pulpit last Sunday and will do so again next Sunday.
Rose Dillon, wife of Timothy Driscoll, died suddenly at her home, the Hotel Rita, on Monday.
80 Years Ago - 1943
The Board of Supervisors created a new county office, Commissioner of Jurors, with a salary of $3,000 which includes $500 for office expenses. The job was created at the recommendation of the county bar association.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hunt of New York, December 4.
Corp. Earl Sander, son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Sander of Youngsville, and Althea VanLoan of White Sulphur Springs, were married on December 13.
Mrs. H.E. Stephenson, the former Frances Gurd, aged 77, died in Florida at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Leave. She was born in Jeffersonville.
The Jeffersonville School debaters won in the tournament at Newburgh Free Academy. The inexperienced team representing Jeffersonville Central School were Doris Hoffman, Beverly Becker and Iona Bohl on the affirmative while on the negative side were John Clifford, Charles Peterson and Vincent Schmidt. The experienced affirmative team was Julia Lang, Iola Reum and Ethel Hawerkamp. The negative was Bernice Reum, Delia Judson, William Kennedy and Robert Williams.
The following men were inducted, August Merkenschlager, Osmer J. Fink, Albert M. Felske and Nial F. Eggler.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schick announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Teresa, to Pvt. Willard H. Esterbrook.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stalker announce the engagement of their daughter, Hilda Loretta, to Calvert Crary of Liberty, a graduate of Cornell.
70 Years Ago - 1953
Al Berberich of Youngsville shot a 10-point 196-lb. buck in the woods east of Shandelee.
The Cherokee Hunting Club reports a take of 22 deer this hunting season.
Mrs. Joseph Forsbach has received word of the death of her mother in the city of Danzig, Poland, in Russian occupied territory.
Edward Charles Hoffman, 59, retired farmer in Callicoon, was found dead in his car at Baer Corners on Thursday, November 26.
The dedication ceremonies for the new spinet electric Hammond organ was held at the Reformed Church in Youngsville on Sunday. Rev. John Carter of Woodbourne preached the sermon. He was assisted by Rev. Bult.
Wilbur Kespert spent his vacation deer hunting. He had no luck.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Meddaugh of Ferndale announce the engagement of their daughter, Lois, to Robert Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Edwards of Youngsville.
60 Years Ago - 1963
It will be David against Goliath when the first athletic team to sport the new green, gold and white colors of the Sullivan County Community College will meet the basketball quintet of Orange County Community College this Saturday night at the Middletown gym of OCCC. The SCCC team will be known as “The Generals” in tribute to General John Sullivan of Revolutionary fame, after whom Sullivan County was named.
The President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th president of the United States, was shot and killed on Friday, November 22nd, at 1:31 p.m. (EST) in Dallas, Texas. Vice president Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as the new President ninety minutes after Mr. Kennedy’s death. Arrested shortly after the assassination, Lee H. Oswald was accused of both the killing of the President and a Dallas policeman who attempted to subdue him. As millions of horrified Americans watched Sunday afternoon, the accused assassin of John F. Kennedy was himself shot and mortally wounded. Television cameramen, scheduled to cover the removal of the prisoner, Lee H. Oswald, from the Dallas City Jail to the county jail, recorded the murder as an already shocked America watched. The killer of Oswald was immediately arrested and identified as Jack Rubenstein (Jack Ruby), owner of a Dallas night club. All faiths were drawn together this Monday in a day of national mourning and special prayers. The churches here in Jeffersonville, Protestant and Catholic, held special services.
Robin Lee Tyler was walking west on Route 52 in the hamlet of Youngsville at about 5:05 p.m. when an auto, apparently passing a car ahead, knocked young Tyler to the pavement. He was taken to the office of Dr. Miller in Jeffersonville where he was treated for abrasions and contusions of the right shoulder. The car which struck the Tyler boy has not been apprehended. Police are investigating.
Alan Drake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Drake of Jeffersonville, has been elected to Beta Chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon, honorary mathematics fraternity, at New York State University College of Education at Albany.
Miss Anna M. Warfield of Narrowsburg has been added to the real estate sales organization of Edson J. Tegeler.
50 Years Ago - 1973
Records and papers of the Callicoon Volunteer Fire Department, going back to 1860, have been handed over to the Delaware Free Library for safe keeping in the vault which is part of the library building.
The Tamarack Hunting Club of Callicoon reports 16 bucks bagged on the opening day of the 1973 deer season.
Local artist Terry Curtis has been successful in completing a painting done for St. Bonaventure Church in Paterson, N.J.
The death of Sydney F. Foster marked the passing of one of Sullivan County’s most illustrious citizens. He died on Tuesday, November 20, at Lakeland, Fla., at the age of 80. His career, which spanned almost a half century, saw 30 years of that time spent as a judge of New York State’s three highest courts. He came to Liberty in 1920 and served as a clerk in the office of Joseph Rosch who was elected to the Supreme Court the following year. Judge Foster continued to practice law in Liberty as a partner of the late William A. Williams and was elected Sullivan County District Attorney in 1925. He was elected to the Supreme Court Third Judicial Department in 1928 and was appointed in 1939 as Associate Justice of the Appellate Division. In 1949, Governor Thomas E. Dewey appointed him as the presiding justice of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court.
Miss Suzanne Stano of Sharon, Pa., became the bride of Alan J. Freyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Freyer of Callicoon, on October 27.
There will be an organizational meeting in Narrowsburg on November 29, in an effort to organize a Senior Citizen group.
40 Years Ago - 1983
An elderly resident of the Roscoe Nursing Home narrowly escaped injury Wednesday afternoon when a bullet, believed to be fired by a deer hunter in the area, crashed through a window and embedded itself in a chair cushion next to the patient. William Buchholz, maintenance engineer at the nursing home on Route 206 near Delaware County line, said the incident occurred about 4:30 p.m.
Neil J. Tobin of Callicoon, a retired Erie Railroad station agent, signal man and dispatcher with 52 years of service, died Thursday, November 24, at the Grover M. Hermann Hospital in Callicoon. He was 81 and came from a family of railroaders. His father, Frank, and two brothers, Donald and Frank, were also longtime railroad station agents and between the three Tobin boys, there was more than 150 years of service given in “the steam engine era.”
Vincent Chau, a student at the Liberty High School, will be featured as a soloist in the Sullivan Symphonic Band Concert to be held at the Liberty school on December 11. He will perform a solo for band and piano entitled “Spotlight on the Piano” by David Bennett. Vincent has also been selected for All-State String Orchestra. He has played the violin for about six years.
Frank LaRuffa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LaRuffa of Hurleyville, has been selected for the second consecutive year to play with the All-State Band at the Concord Hotel on November 30. He is the solo clarinetist of the Fallsburg High School Symphonic Band.
From its early beginning as a rooming house in the 1940s, the Villa Roma Country Club, located in the Beechwoods Section of Callicoon, has grown into a $2.2 million complex. When owner Marty Passante bought the property from Ernesto “Cappy” Vindigni, there were 48 rooms. It now boasts of 287 guest rooms, a nightclub that will seat 800, indoor and outdoor pools, saunas, a full gym, racquetball courts and a jacuzzi. Plans are being made to have the $1 million plus ski center open by Christmas, no later than New Year’s, and the construction of an 18-hole golf course is planned for the spring. There are 32 time-sharing units constructed and plans include a 50-unit condominium to be built in the spring. Also on the drawing board is an indoor sports complex. Mr. Passante employs as many local workers as possible. Between 50,000 and 60,000 guests frequent the facility a year.
Miss Bonnie Eggler of White Sulphur Springs became the bride of Larry Austin of Liberty on September 17 at the White Sulphur Springs United Methodist Church.
30 Years Ago - 1993
Giavanna Legenos and Nicole Legenos, members of the Tri-Valley Girls Soccer Team, were named Co-Most Valuable Players in Western Sullivan League profiles. Other outstanding players this past year were Eric Whitmore of Delaware Valley; Patti Bohs and Tisha VanderWiele of Eldred; Tammi Burr, Janet Ridley and Terri Baker of Jeff-Youngsville; Tiffany Bazemore of Liberty; Barbara Dertiger of Livingston Manor; Jamie Meyer and Anita Crocitto of Narrowsburg; Jessica Bradley, Janet Curless, Michele Bohler and Kim Priebe of Tri-Valley.
The Lake Huntington-Cochecton Volunteer Fire Company held a dinner at Pete’s Pub in Lake Huntington, at which they honored Morris Katzoff, Bruce Meyer and Melvin Pierce for 50 years membership. Others so honored, but not present, were Roland Nearing, William Gasko, Anthony Schaefer, Herman Heinle, Edwin Schmidt and George Bernas.
Nancy Landau was the top Section IX runner in Saturday’s Foot Locker Frosh-Soph regional qualifier at Van Cortlandt Park. She finished fourth overall, losing third place by just one second.
20 Years Ago - 2003
With ever-increasing costs for the federally-run U.S. Postal Service and a decrease in revenue with more people sending their messages via the Internet, post offices in the area will begin to show some of the effects of cost-cutting in the near future.
You can hardly see them, as they’re about the size of a head of a pin, but legions of tiny insects called the Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) are chomping down lots of hemlock trees. They are considered a serious threat to the Eastern hemlocks and the ecosystem of the Upper Delaware.
Benjamin Cosor Elementary School third grade teacher Brian Steeves, 39, died in a two-car crash on his way to work Wednesday. Grief counselors were called in to work with students and Steeves’ coworkers in dealing with the tragedy.
Work is continuing on the old Kelly Building on the corner of Main Street and Route 52 in Narrowsburg which is currently under renovation to be turned into a restaurant, office building and bistro by owners Nick and Laura Santana.
Marie Yaun was guest of honor at an 85th birthday party held at Albert’s Liberty House on November 22, with family coming from coast to coast to honor her. The mother of seven children, Mrs. Yaun and her husband, Charlie, owned and operated the Lake Marie Catskill Mountain recreation for 15 years. A collage recounting the history of the 150 acre property will now hang on permanent exhibit at Albert’s for all to enjoy, thanks to restaurant owner Albert Bitjeman.
10 Years Ago - 2013
Florence Hubert marked her 100th birthday last month at a party in her honor at the Hankins-Fremont Firehouse in Fremont Center. Daughter Ruth Brustman of Obernburg provided the following information: Florence was born October 29, 1913 in Fremont Center, the daughter of Thomas and Hermina (neé Gunther) Schick. Thomas was born in Obernburg and Hermina hailed from Germany. Florence attended school at St. Mary’s in Obernburg. She met her husband Walter at a house party and they were wed on June 27, 1939 at St. Mary’s. In their early years the couple lived in Fremont Center in the Blue Bird Inn. Walter ran a dairy farm in Fremont Center that is still in the family.
The longest-lasting of the famed Borscht Belt mega-resorts – owned by a family which defined it for more than a century – passed into new hands last Wednesday. That evening, the Kutsher family concluded the sale of their Monticello resort to Veria Lifestyle, a subsidiary of media magnate Subhash Chandra’s global empire. No price was disclosed, but sources say it was several million dollars for all 1,310 acres, which includes the main hotel, golf course and the former Camp Anawana. Opened in 1907 in the infancy of Sullivan County’s attraction to New York City Jewish families, Kutsher’s became one of the premier destination resorts, featuring sports and entertainment luminaries from Muhammad Ali to Woody Allen and rivaling famous neighbors like the Concord, Grossinger’s, the Pines, Brown’s and the Raleigh. Thanks to the Kutsher family’s unceasing involvement, Kutsher’s survived longer than them all into the 21st century.
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