110 Years Ago - 1912
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huff of Fremont Center, a son, Wednesday…born to Mr. and Mrs. George Segar of Briscoe, a daughter, on May 19.
The following class …
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110 Years Ago - 1912
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huff of Fremont Center, a son, Wednesday…born to Mr. and Mrs. George Segar of Briscoe, a daughter, on May 19.
The following class was confirmed by Rev. John Straub at St. Paul’s Church in Callicoon Center last Sunday: John Mueller, William Reubmann, Philip Steinhauser, Marie Hessinger, Lulu Gilbert, Frances Neumann, Mildred Schrumpf and Millie Brey.
A daughter arrived at the home of Charles Gabel and wife of Lava recently.
C.H. Dorflinger of White Mills, Pa., has been named as one of the trustees to have charge of the furnishing and management of the new state hospital for the criminally insane at Farview.
Honesdale, Pa., experienced another fire early Tuesday morning which entailed a loss for Arthur M. Leine, druggist, of about $7,000. Fire of unknown origin was contained in the building with the contents of the first floor almost completely ruined. Edward Deitzer received about a foot of water in his shoe store cellar, but no goods were damaged. Chris Lowe also had water in his basement.
The board of trustees of the village of Hancock have passed an ordinance governing the erection of buildings within the village limits. No wooden structures can hereafter be erected in the business portion of the town. They must be constructed of brick or other fire-proof material.
100 Years Ago - 1922
A shipment of 2,000 small-mouth fry has been emptied into White Lake in a specialstocking program. For several years the supply of this fry have been limited.
By raising $1,400 to construct an electric light line, Callicoon Center is to get electric service from the Livingston Manor Electric Co.
Liberty village is so rapidly taking on a metropolitan aspect that four policemen are required to keep affairs going smoothly. Two patrolmen and a mounted cop keep watch by day, and one patrolman is on duty nights.
Henry Haeling of Hortonville has purchased an electric piano for the amusement of his guests.
90 Years Ago - 1932
Miss Elizabeth Worth Muller, well-known Monticello-ite, who returned on Thursday after a 15-month European trip, blushingly admitted paying social calls to the former Kaiser Wilhelm, Premier Mussolini, Pope Pius XI and Lady Astor, but dramatically denied that widely circulated report that she had married her chauffeur. Upon arriving at the Castle, Monticello, last week, she announced that she intends starting suits totaling $25,000 damages against several newspapers for having published the matrimonial story.
Two large barns, a chicken coop and other outbuildings, seven in all, were completely demolished and destroyed at the home of Mrs. James Crawson of Goulds on Friday due to the hail and wind storm. The entire orchard, probably 25 trees, was uprooted, together with several large maple trees.
From there, the tornado swept to the home of Mrs. Crawson’s daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gardner, and there uprooted several fruit trees.
At Kester Darling’s place, it tore shingles off his large barn breaking all the window lights, frames and other fixtures. It lifted up his chicken coop and smashed it to bits and demolished many of his fine trees from his maple grove. Seventeen friends and neighbors of Mrs. Crawson had a “Bee” Saturday and put up the frame of a building that she might stable her cattle for milking.
At Rock Valley the hail broke one of the big stained glass windows in the M.E. Church and also the roof at Camp Marion had to be reshingled. An extraordinary phenomenon for the month of May was seen Sunday evening about 10 o’clock when the aurora borealis was very brilliant.
80 Years Ago - 1942
The cloudburst Friday night hit the Galilee area causing considerable damage to roads and bridges. Fields were washed and many crops were lost. The dam built by beavers above Schwab’s garage burst, washing out the bridge nearby and flooding the village to considerable depth.
The creek along the Galilee-Damascus road changed its bed several places and the approach to the Wallman place was swept away, as well as a fertile field between that farm and the stone highway. The road by the schoolhouse is impassable. Many tons of earth were washed into the Pfaff cellar. Electric service was broken until mid-morning Sunday.
Returning late Friday night from a special grange meeting at Torry, fifteen members were obliged to pass the remaining hours at the home of Clarence Schweighofer since the water gushing over the small bridge between the Scott Rutledge and Ed Schweighofer farms made it unsafe to cross.
It is understood that Alex Krongel, Jeffersonville baker, donated a truckload of bread to the people of Honesdale, Pa., at a valuation of $70, following the devastating flooding there last week.
A son, Frederick L., was born May 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams of Abrahamsville.
70 Years Ago - 1952
Miss Eva Mantwill of Hortonville became the bride of Peter Boyle of Beechwoods at Holy Cross Church last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bauernfeind announce the engagement of their daughter, Florrine, to Herbert F. Bauernfeind, son of Mrs. Herbert F. Bauernfeind, all of Callicoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Winkler of Greeley, Pa., became the parents of a girl; Rev. and Mrs. John Swords of Long Eddy have a daughter, on May 25; it was a son, May 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heslin of Damascus, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dexter of Honesdale, Pa., RD, have a daughter, May 26; it was a boy for Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thony of Jeffersonville, May 26; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Davis of Honesdale, Pa., have a son, May 27; Mr. and Mrs. John Kenkel of Roscoe have a daughter, May 26, all at the Callicoon Hospital.
A house adjoining the Lone Pine boarding house of Mr. and Mrs. A. Fred Mootz at Callicoon Center was completely destroyed by fire Tuesday morning. Every room was completely furnished and ready for summer guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Keesler celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary, and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Dexter had their 31st anniversary, both on May 24. – Lake Huntington Corresp.
The rhododendron in the Curtis Nurseries, Calicoon, are in bloom, and an invitation is extended to the public to view this beautiful sight.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Schwartz of Kenoza Lake will celebrate their 50th anniversary on June 1 with an open house at their home.
Bernard Shafarzck won first place for a turned bridge lamp in the Senior High wood division at the Southeastern Zone shop project display at Goshen last Friday night. Peter Davis received 3rd prize for his wine set. Both boys were awarded a wood plane as their prize. Harlie DuBois won 2nd prize in the junior high wood division for a set of bookends and was awarded a wood carving set. The boys represented Roscoe High School… A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Tempel at the Liberty-Loomis Hospital last week. – Roscoe Corresp.
60 Years Ago - 1962
Harold Roeder Sr. returned to his Hortonville home on Wednesday after spending two and a half years at Point Barrow, Alaska, for Federal Electric Co. He will now work at Paramus, N.J., where he will be assistant fire prevention safety inspector for the company.
The northern span of the old Delaware River Bridge was pulled down last Monday afternoon by workmen of the Binghamton Bridge and Foundation Co.
Michael Diamond of Wurtsboro has been appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the Sullivan District of Free and Accepted Masons. He succeeds Charles W. Horton of Monticello.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Pearce of Narrowsburg announce the engagement of their daughter, Elaine Wanda Gawenus, to Adolph Winglovitz Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Winglovitz Sr. of Cochecton. No date has been set for the wedding.
Mrs. Frank Roemer, a member of the Hortonville Grange and prize-winning apple pie baker there, was the county winner in the pie baking contest at Monticello last Wednesday. She will compete in the State Grange baking contest in Syracuse next October.
The 34th annual recital by piano pupils of Mrs. Gladys V. Bergner was held May 26 at her home. Twenty-five pupils presented solo selections as well as arrangements for two and three performers. About 60 parents and friends were present.
Leo’s Market in Hortonville, which has been leased by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gettel, has re-opened as of May 24. Prize winners on the opening day were Marilyn Caldieoro, Ted Manouse, Dorothy Smith, Ethel Fisher and Margaret Weyer. T
he Rev. Newton B. Ford of Windham has been assigned to the Callicoon Methodist Charge. Rev. W.S. Risch has been returned to Kenoza Lake for a second year.
50 years ago - 1972
A flag pole was officially dedicated at the Grover M. Hermann Division of Community General Hospital, Callicoon, on Sunday, May 28. The flagpole and its base were given to the new hospital by veterans groups in the area. The plaque at the base of the pole reads, “Dedicated to Those Who Served Their Country.” Donations for the new 30-foot aluminum pole were received from the Emmett Turner Post No. 276, American Legion, and Ladies Auxiliary of Jeffersonville, the Allan Milk Memorial Post #7276 and Ladies Auxiliary of Long Eddy and the H. Russell Kenyon Post #5808 and Ladies Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Callicoon. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bernhardt of Jeffersonville donated the American flag.
One of the most eye-catching floats in the parage in Fremont Center on Monday was one with a real live Civil War soldier on it. David Howell, who represented the 137th New York Vol. Infantry of Binghamton, was dressed in full regalia.
40 Years Ago - 1982
Ida “Skippy” Frankel, mayor of Liberty, will become the first Sullivan County mayor to ever hold the office of president of the New York State Mayoral Conference. She will be installed at Grossinger’s on Wednesday, June 9.
Vicki DePuy has been named Miss Sullivan County Teenager at the Miss Sullivan County Teen Pageant held Sunday at the Raleigh Hotel. Runners-up were Dawn Frazier, Torrill Hunsbedt, Brenda DuBois and Marilyn Caldiero.
The Delaware Town Board opened four bids Wednesday morning for construction of Sewer District No. 1 laterals and distribution lines in Kohlertown. Cal Mart Construction Corp. of Nanuet received the contract with a low bid of $913,527.50. Erikson and Silber of Goshen are engineers of the project.
The State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) gave a $200 award to the Sullivan County Garden Club for its Community General Hospital garden project.
Three World War I veterans participated in the Livingston Manor Memorial Day ceremonies Monday morning. Wilfred Smith, 83, walked the entire parade route through the hamlet. Also on hand were Clarence Bloom, 86, and Joel Kehrley, 91.
30 Years Ago - 1992
About 100 people attended the first annual Blue and Gold Dinner of Cub Scout Pack 110 at the Damascus Ambulance Building… Rod and Chris Smith have opened the C & R Dairy Bar in Tyler Hill. — Tyler Hill Corresp.
There are 25 organized senior citizens clubs throughout Sullivan County. Clarence Krantz of Callicoon Center has been named Sullivan County Outstanding Senior Citizen of the Year. He represents the Town of Callicoon. Others selected to represent their respective townships were: Dorothy Driscoll, Town of Bethel; Eileen Gobiasky, Town of Cochecton; Frances Erickson, Towns of Delaware and Fremont; Ruth Baxter, Town of Fallsburg; Oscar Rojas, Town of Forestburgh; Dorothy Hustins, Town of Highland; Helen Kwasinowicz; Town of Liberty; Anna Kubicsko, Town of Lumberland; Helen Carayas, Town of Mamakating; Helen Aldrich, Town of Neversink; Sylvia Frattarelli, Town of Rockland; Eleanor Kannert, Town of Thompson; and Beth Peck, Town of Tusten.
Brittany Ann Reddish, daughter of Becky and Norman Reddish, Callicoon, has been named the winner of the Jamesway “Cutest Baby” contest held in their 120 stores along the Eastern coast. She will receive a $10,000 scholarship toward her education. Nearly 10,000 entries were received.
Ground was broken Friday for the construction of two new dormitories to house students at the Delaware Valley Job Corps Center in Callicoon.
Antique cars, including a rare 1935 Pierce Arrow, lined Broadway in Monticello during the 29th annual antique car show held there.
Marie and Joe Zalesky of Hortonville celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house on the weekend of May 17.
20 Years Ago - 2002
This year’s Relay for Life, held in the Town of Thompson Park near Monticello over the weekend, raised $30,000 for the American Cancer Society. This year’s grand marshal was 3-year-old Chase Molinari of Roscoe, who, with the help of last year’s grand marshal, 8-year-old Kyle DeCotes, (also of Roscoe), cut the ribbon to start the event.
Longtime Wurtsboro correspondent for the Democrat, Dick Thuman, is retiring from writing the local column that he has contributed to the newspaper since April 1987.
Kristy Baker and Ashley Porter, both in the BOCES Nursing Program were volunteers at the Adult Day Care Center in Harris. For entertainment, Jonathan Goodman, a Liberty school student, played saxophone solos for the folks there on May 28. — Jeffersonville Corresp.
Jeffersonville minister Bob McLeod is the newest person to enter the race for the vacant District 3 County Legislator seat. On May 31, Sullivan County Legislative Chair and District 3 Legislator Ramond “Rusty” Pomeroy II resigned his seat. Now someone will be appointed to the seat, which represents the towns of Fremont, Rockland and Neversink (with the exception of a tiny corner of southeastern Neversink).
10 Years Ago - 2012
On Wednesday, the Wayne Memorial Health System (WMHS) announced the closing of Wayne Delaware Manor, a personal care facility just outside Narrowsburg in Beach Lake, PA. The building that provides shelter and care for 21 residents will officially close July 31 due to “ongoing financial losses,” officials of the Wayne Memorial Health System said.
“Fat Kid Rules the World” started as a book for teenagers not about sparkling vampires or love-lorn werewolves but an overweight teenage boy, a boy who’d been beaten down by a world full of bullies. The book won author Kelly “K.L.” Going awards for a brave venture into the gritty real world of teenage America. And now the author of myriad children’s books who hails from Glen Spey is pitching a battle to get “Fat Kid” to the big screen.
The Skinners Falls, NY-Milanville, PA bridge spanning the Delaware River is going to be closed quite a bit longer than originally predicted. The 110-year-old bridge’s truss repairs will continue to July 27.
Joanne Rosenberger of Hortonville was honored at the New York State Senate’s 15th Annual Woman of Distinction Celebration. The program was created in 1998 to honor New York women who exemplify personal excellence. Rosenberger has served as a Girl Scout leader for the past 20 years and currently runs three troops. This past year, Joanne and one of her troops built a nature and exercise trail behind the Delaware Youth Center in Callicoon.
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