Now that medical marijuana is legal in 39 states (NY and PA included as well as our Capitol D.C.), and is also recreationally legal in 21 states plus D.C., I think we can talk.
I grew up in a time …
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Now that medical marijuana is legal in 39 states (NY and PA included as well as our Capitol D.C.), and is also recreationally legal in 21 states plus D.C., I think we can talk.
I grew up in a time when weed was absolutely illegal and, in fact, was believed to cause all kinds of madness leading to behaviors too saucy to mention in a family newspaper. There were television commercials and even a movie warning of the dangers of the herb.
I clearly remember sitting in the back of our eggshell blue station wagon, while my mother, driving, lectured me on said dangers. She was panicked. She wanted to know, was I smoking it? A legit question since I was an oddball in every way. She wanted to know, were my friends were smoking it?
She forgot that I had no friends.
She told me how it was grown, harvested, dried, rolled and smoked. All good information should I need it now. But I was in Junior High then, and although I knew nothing about marijuana because I had never even come in contact with it, I rolled my eyes (instead of joints) thinking she knew even less.
Pretty soon, as I walked to school (a mile each way in all sorts of weather, of course), I became hyper aware of all the ‘bad kids’ hiding behind buildings and trees smoking pot. I never took to it even later on. What was once mostly called pot, now is medical marijuana and I’d like some. But I’m hesitant.
On the internet, there’s a post from someone who uses it though she didn’t say in what form. She did say, “I saw Jesus and heard a clock ticking and I don’t even own a clock.” I own a ticking clock and if I saw Jesus at the same time, I might think it was my time.
The name Marijuana, according to the book Cannabis: A History by Martin Booth, may derive from an Aztec language or soldiers' slang for “brothel” – Maria y Juana. But no one knows for sure.
Medical marijuana is said to calm the nerves and treat a whole bunch of ailments. I know someone who lowered their blood pressure, rid themselves of anxiety, and curbed their multiple sclerosis using it.
People use it for pain, appetite and nausea (mostly from chemo) as well. Its cousin, CBD, is also said to lower blood pressure and treat anxiety, plus reduce inflammation, prevent relapse in drug and alcohol addiction, address gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, prevent seizures and fight cancer. Quite the claims.
It’s a miracle drug and now I definitely want some!
Ever since hemp was removed from the federal Controlled Substances Act in 2018, CBD from hemp became legal in most states. Well, I got some CBD from a local vape shop where a very nice fellow puffing away on a ‘pen’ guided me.
“It’s under three percent THC, which means none,” he said through half-lidded lizard eyes. I trusted him.
“I’ll take it!” And I did take it home, but I was still afraid to actually try it. One day, however, after receiving some awful news I had a small anxiety attack. I immediately laid down, but my heart continued to race. I reached for the bottle of CBD and took the suggested amount. Less than a minute later, the heart calmed.
This is not an endorsement of CBD or medical marijuana and my column does not in any way reflect the views of the Sullivan County Democrat. It’s just a story on how things change. What once would have put me in jail is now at my bedside, and I haven’t yet gone mad from using it, yet.
RAMONA JAN is the Founder and Director of Yarnslingers, a storytelling group that tells tales both fantastic and true. She is also the roving historian for Callicoon, NY and is often seen giving tours around town. You can email her at
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