SULLIVAN COUNTY — On Tuesday, May 16, school districts across New York State held their annual school budget vote and election of school board of education members.
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SULLIVAN COUNTY — On Tuesday, May 16, school districts across New York State held their annual school budget vote and election of school board of education members.
In Sullivan County seven of the eight school districts adopted their 2023-24 spending plan with only Roscoe Central’s budget going down to defeat. The 2023-24 school budget and school board results are as follows.
Roscoe CSD
Roscoe’s $10.7 million budget proposal, with an 11.54 percent tax levy increase, fell to defeat.
The vote was 141 to 136 in favor of passage. However, because the tax levy increase exceeded the two percent tax cap (calculated at 3.23 percent in Roscoe), a supermajority of 60 percent approval was required.
“We thank the voters for letting their voices be heard,” Superintendent John Evans said. “The board and administration will meet soon to decide how we will move forward.”
Two Board members were elected. Tasse Niforatos was re-elected for her seventh term with 227 votes, and Joe Langan joins the board with 190 votes.
Monticello CSD
In Monticello, Adrianna Mayson Greco (576 votes), Wendy Galligan Weiner (587 votes) and Helen Jersey (548 votes) earned re-election to their seats on the school board. Greco defeated Rosemary Berson, Weinder defeated Maranzana and Jersey defeated Mary Beth Bastone (543 votes).
The vote on the budget proposal of $97,886,695 was approved by an overwhelming 851 to 242 margin.
Eldred CSD
For Eldred School Board, Scott Hallock earned re-election to the only open seat with 173 votes. The $19,509,716 budget proposal and proposal on Sunshine Library were both passed. The Sunshine Library proposal was for the school district to levy taxes in the amount of $36,600 annually and pay over to the Board of Trustees of the Library.
The budget vote was 139 to 50 and the Sunshine Library was 155 to 34.
Tri-Valley CSD
Tri-Valley had two board members re-elected - Keith Stryker (338 votes) and Patrick Kelly (284 votes). Tammi Chaboty earned election to the third open seat, earning 273 votes and beating out Randall McGregor, who was seeking re-election. The $36,497,136 budget proposal vote was passed, 360 to 148.
Fallsburg CSD
In Fallsburg Central, the $59,260,373 budget proposal was passed by an 87 to 47 vote. The Capital Reserve Fund proposal was also passed, by a 95 to 34 vote.
For the three open Board of Education seats, Renee O. Kates garnered 90 votes and Coleen Picciotti received 87 votes to both earn re-election to the school board. Verna Greer received 78 votes to win election to the third seat left open by the departing Joe Collura.
Sullivan West CSD
The school budget proposal of $41,796,395 for Sullivan West was approved by a 317 to 96 vote. The proposal to authorize a high school senior being an ex-officio non-voting member of the board was also passed. The vote was 354 to 52.
The school board elections saw saw three incumbent school board members returned to their seats, Jennifer Nystrom (324 votes), Matthew Halloran (322 votes) and Kathleen Meckle (309 votes).
Livingston Manor CSD
The $19,365,346 million budget proposal for Livingston Manor was passed by a 256 to 97 vote. District residents also approved a $21 million capital project to address building systems upgrades, maintenance and security updates.
A $7 million capital project to repair the pedestrian bridge and flood walls and authorization to establish a 10-year, $10 million capital reserve fund were also approved.
With four candidates running for two open board of eduation seats, Nicole Park (167 votes) and Jill Smith (204 votes) received the two highest vote totals and will fill the three-year terms.
Liberty CSD
Liberty Central School District residents approved the $66,296,362 spending plan, 232 to 50, for the 2023-24 school year.
Voters also elected three board of education members. Eugene S. Thalmann, with 210 votes, was elected and sworn-in on May 16 to fill the unexpired term of Anthony Sinacore, as well as a full three-year term that will expire on June 30, 2026.
Maureen Stabak was re-elected to the board with 238 votes and Erin Abplanalp was elected for her first term on the board with 197 votes.
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