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Back in the day this used to be bomb scares, unfortunately they have escalated to this since Columbine.

Question is 'where's the education' against such acts?

Education has gone down the toilet where it lets students be on their cellphones most of their day, the take over by video games and social media. Kids, for a while now, have been redirected from reality to 'bloodbath' games on their phones, it used to be the RAP music.

Education has gone way down and this is before the covid attack. With the moving in and catering too not only the illegals but to every little quirk they seem fit, e.g. 27 different genders, stupidity and un-education surely has taken a tole on our kids. Home schooling hasn't helped at all to curb this in fact seems like it got worse.

SRO's are useless as does not having metal detectors.

NYS has 'red flag' laws but unless someone says something and it gets followed through this will keep happening, sad but true.

It isn't the glorifying of guns though Hollywood doesn't do anything to help but makes impression on young minds.

From: Protecting our community

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