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140 Years Ago - 1885 Long Eddy: Our village school, under the management of Miss Nettie Ward and Miss Emma Steele, assistant, is progressing nicely. The average attendance is said to be 78 … more
In February of 2020, just before the COVID pandemic became national news, this columnist, your Sullivan County Historian, released a new book, “In Further Retrospect.” The book was a … more
120 Years Ago - 1905 Melchior Thoeny, a former resident of Jeffersonville, died after a short illness at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Kohler of Galeton, Pa., on January 13, at the age … more
Irving Jaffee was among the greatest speed skaters of his generation. He turned in the fastest time in the 10,000 meters at the 1928 Olympics in St. Moritz, only to have the event canceled without an … more
130 Years Ago - 1895 The 14-year-old son of Alfred Akerly of the Six Thousand Acre Tract, near Briscoe, is entitled to the distinction of shooting three coons at one shot, although he was … more
As the Revolutionary War approached in the 1770s, American colonists were a divided lot, and at least as many of them were inclined to remain part of the British empire as favored breaking away. … more
140 Years Ago - 1885 The following is the New York City market report of general country produce of this week: Potatoes, per barrel, $1.25 and $1.35; apples, per barrel, $1.50; Beeswax, per … more
It was on April 18, 1775 that Boston silversmith Paul Revere-- along with Samuel Prescott and William Dawes-- embarked on a ride to alert the Minutemen in his area about the sudden advance of British … more
130 Years Ago - 1895 F.W. Hartig raised from an acre of ground in Livingston Manor this year: 18 bushels of potatoes, 2150 pounds of hay, 5 bushels of sweet corn, 1 bushel of turnips, and 150 … more
110 Years Ago - 1915 Headline reads “Allies Report Gains – Russians in Retreat.” A city woman has sued William F. Henry, owner of William F. Henry’s Boarding house … more
120 Years Ago - 1904 George Wind, a resident of Jeffersonville for thirty-six years and one of its most prominent citizens, died last Thursday evening. He would have been 80 on January 7. He … more
130 Years Ago - 1894 Katie, wife of John Huggler of Kenoza   Lake, and daughter of Melchior Kohler of Beechwoods, died December 14, aged about 23. J. Segar of New York and Miss Mamie … more
130 Years Ago - 1894 Letter to the Editor: — The telegraph line between Liberty and Jeffersonville was repaired some time ago. In making the repairs, Youngsville was cut off without giving … more
With another holiday season upon us, it is time for this column’s annual reminder that books about Sullivan County’s rich and colorful history always make great gifts, but especially this … more
130 Years Ago - 1894 A smallpox scare has visited Liberty. However, it is not as great we are assured as some are disposed to make it. Several of the afflicted were visitors to the village last … more
The Sullivan County Board of Supervisors had many issues to deal with in December of 1969, and the hotly debated topic of reforming the County Charter to transfer power to a County Executive and a … more
130 Years Ago - 1894 Indications point to an early freeze on the ponds, say the weather prophets. But sleighing will come first. Kenoza Lake — There is a rumor here that the Cook … more
Brush fires have been much in the news of late, and those familiar with Sullivan County history have been moved to recall massively destructive wildfires from years gone by, including the May, 1884 … more
130 Years Ago - 1894 Mrs. John Naylor died at her home in Bethel, Monday, aged about 55 years. Mrs. Elizabeth Steiner died of pneumonia at her home below Jeffersonville, November 18. Her … more
Nina Vilona was a 50-year old unmarried piano teacher from Mount Vernon, NY who was vacationing at William Gorman’s boardinghouse in Bittersweet when she disappeared on Friday morning, July 9, … more
130 Years Ago - 1894 The house of John D. Lewis, a short distance west of White Sulphur Springs, was burned to the ground last Friday morning and Mrs. Lewis lost her life in the fire.   … more
130 Years Ago - 1894 Those elected in Sullivan County are: Assembly, Henry Krenrich,   Rep.; Sheriff John M. Watson, Dem.; and Supt. of Poor, Ezra F. Calkins, Rep. Married: Elmer … more
On November 11, 1919, one year after fighting had officially ended in what at the time was known as the Great War, President Woodrow Wilson initiated the first Armistice Day by proclaiming that, … more
130 Years Ago - 1894 Allen’s New York Theatre Company, which played two engagements in Jeffersonville last winter, played three nights at Mt. Upton recently concluding on Saturday night. … more
130 Years Ago - 1894 Walter Woehner died at Callicoon, October 6, aged 1 year. Roy, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Embler, former residents, died recently. Mary, wife of James … more
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