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Down the Decades

May 28, 2024 Edition

Compiled by Lee Hermann, Muse, & Ruth Huggler
Posted 5/28/24

140 Years Ago - 1884

Long Eddy — Vegetation in this section had a very hard struggle with the frost on May 28. Leaves and blossoms on chestnut and butternut trees were all killed and those …

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Down the Decades

May 28, 2024 Edition


140 Years Ago - 1884

Long Eddy — Vegetation in this section had a very hard struggle with the frost on May 28. Leaves and blossoms on chestnut and butternut trees were all killed and those having an early garden had the pleasure of replanting again.

Pike Pond — While Thomas Stewart was washing his sheep at Moulthrop’s mill dam one day last week, one of them became frightened and took to the mountain, where it still remains. Notwithstanding its docileness and tameness up to the time of the fright, it has become quite wild.

The meanest man in Sullivan County resides within one mile of North Branch. He has about 100 acres of very stony land and was lately asked for permission to get some flat stones to cover one sluice in the road, but although he makes the most of his living by teaming on the very road that was to be improved, he refused to give the stones, thereby compelling the town to pay for hauling them a distance of over a half mile. It is rumored that he was a swine herder in the old country but he acts more like one of a herd of hogs in this.

A large black bear was recently seen by Fran Brey’s pasture lot.

The people of Long Eddy are determined not to go dry. The board of excise met there last night and granted license to S. Hawks. They have now in the village five stores, one hotel, two saloons, and a temperance lodge. The lodge meets twice a week to sharpen up the appetite of those who love the “stuff.” So you see we are not dead yet.

130 Years Ago - 1894

On Wednesday morning as Stephen Wormuth and daughter of Fosterdale were driving through Kenoza Lake, the horse suddenly swung around in front of John Armbrust’s house, upsetting the wagon and throwing the occupants to the ground. Mr. Armbrust came to their assistance and Dr. Rice of Jeffersonville was called.

Our highway commissioners are on the lookout for persons driving over the iron bridge in this village faster than a walk. Anyone caught in the act will pay a five dollar fine for the fun. It is an everyday occurrence to see someone speed his horse over this bridge as though it were especially built for racing.

A sad accident occurred just east of Callicoon Depot. Henry McCoy, head brakeman for conductor H. Strader, Train 82 East, fell from the top of his train and was run over, killing him instantly.

The shanty of Callicoon Depot, occupied by Sammy Leo, an Italian track walker, was entered and robbed to two suits of clothes and $76 in money. Many believe that the crime was committed by parties living in the village. 

W.W. Bennett tells us that he sheared one hundred pounds of wool from ten sheep belonging to John Myers of Kenoza Lake. This is an average of ten pounds of wool to each sheep and is remarkable since from five to six pounds is about the yearly growth of a sheep’s fleece. The story is no doubt all wool, but we cannot say as to the width.

120 Years Ago - 1904

A daughter was born recently to Frank Dillmuth and wife of Jeffersonville. Samuel Henry, the little son of Wm. Baer and wife of East Hill was christened by Rev. H. Blaschke Monday.

A couple of burglars operated at North Branch Tuesday night but so far as known, without any booty. They first entered the hotel of Louis Bauernfeind, going to the room of a city guest, when a cry from the guest frightened them. They then entered Ernest Bauernfeind’s gristmill and blew the door off the safe. The explosion awoke Mr. Bauernfeind and they were again frightened away.

While Ed Kohler was arranging his scaffold on the Schuster house in Callicoon Depot one of the pulley blocks, fastened to the roof, unloosened and fell, striking him on the head and causing a severe scalp wound.

Advertisement — Only $20.90 for this high grade Chamber Suite in golden quartered oak. Entire polished finish and guaranteed construction.

Supervisor Scheidell of this town and his colleagues are entitled to the thanks of not only the people of this county, but of all the other country towns in the state, for their good work in requiring the amendment of highway laws relating to state aid to towns under the money system of highway labor. The amendments we believe originated with Mr. Scheidell.

Mrs. Perry Sprague of Rockland was found unconscious, lying on the floor last week. Dr. Maynard was called and he pronounced the woman dead and thought death was caused by Mrs. Sprague striking her head when she fell.

110 Years Ago - 1914

Nearly every day we are asked where are the street lights for which Jeffersonville petitioned the town board a year ago. We can only refer all such inquiries to the Livingston Manor Electric Co. and the Callicoon town board to whom it is up to see that we get the lights.

Frank M. Sprague, well-known printer and journalist of Liberty, and Miss Alice Miller of Fair Oaks were married the beginning of the month.

George Miller, who has the W.C. Keegan farm near Kenoza Lake, had a herd of twelve cows and one heifer out to pasture last Tuesday night, when an electrical storm passed over that section. In the morning, Miller found six of the cows and the heifer lying dead. They had, it is believed, been killed by a bolt of lightning.

The Merry Matrons chartered four cars and took their husbands for a joy ride to Kingston and back, a trip of about 125 miles. In the party were J.C. Beck and wife, Mrs. Val Scheidell, Wm. Lieb and wife, and daughter Winifred, Conrad Metzger and wife, H.V. Arlington and wife, Mrs. Martha Scheidell, Charles Hoessrich and wife, Charles O. Wilkin and wife, J.H. Kocher and wife, Wm. Knell and wife, and L.J. Dietrich and wife.

A wandering piano tuner named Hoffman made his bed on the steps of Mrs. Lichtig’s store. Finding it uncomfortable, his displeasure was so vehemently expressed that it woke the whole community. When Bramberger appeared and invited the noisy lodger to move on, he discharged a volley of profanity that nearly shattered all the windows around. The village ought to have a lockup for the accommodations of these fellows.

100 Years Ago - 1924

A loud explosion attracted the attention of Livingston Manor residents to a large blazing cross on the summit of Roundtop Mountain last week. The cross burned for several hours. Much excitement was caused by the demonstration, said to have been by the Klu-Klux-Klan, and groups formed on the street corners to watch the flames until they died down. A large number of men were seen near the cross.

Thomas Curtis, 25, who claims to hail from Kansas City, was arrested without warrant at Hortonville on charges of assaulting Grace Roemer, aged 15, of Hortonville. Grace is the granddaughter of Frank Roemer.

“Col.” Lawrence, the butcher, was walking across the street one morning when a Mr. Hitt of Livingston Manor came along with a car and apparently lost his head, for after considerable wobbling he bumped against the “Colonel” who jumped into the air and finally landed between the motor and the fender. The “Colonel” had to use two canes instead of one for a while.

George Barchi of Jersey City, who is wanted in Sullivan County for the murder of Officer Edward C. Dollard in Monticello last September, was wounded in a gun battle when Newark police caught him and others of a gang of rum runners in the Jersey Highlands. The officers are confident that Barchi was shot in the hand and possibly the shoulder.

Justice Charles E. Nichols in Supreme Court at Monticello set down a verdict of $10,000 awarded Mrs. Pauline Shindler in her action against the Sullivan County Electric Light and Power Co., to recover for the death of her husband, Ben Shindler, who was electrocuted while at work a year ago at Loch Sheldrake when he came in contact with a high voltage wire.

90 Years Ago - 1934

The Narrowsburg Chamber of Commerce voted against the adoption of daylight saving here. Jeffersonville will vote on the question on June 4th.

The forty room four-story farm boarding house of Walter Stewart about a mile out of North Branch on the Fremont Road, was discovered on fire about 4 o’clock Sunday morning and in less than an hour the large building with all the contents was reduced to ashes.

A one cent increase in the retail price of milk sold in Sullivan County and three towns in  Ulster County was ordered by State Commissioner Charles Baldwin. Milk will be twelve cents a quart and seven cents a pint.

Harcourt J. Pratt, former representative in Congress from this district, died in the Kingston Hospital of a fractured skull received six hours earlier when his machine skidded off the highway and struck a pole.

Fenton Calkins, son of Postmaster and Mrs. Burton Calkins of Lake Huntington, and Miss Edythe McCoach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCoach of Fosterdale, were married at the Honesdale Methodist Church, April 7th.

Merl Baudendistel of French Woods, who drives one of the Fairmont creamery trucks, received a severe scalp wound one day recently while unloading empty milk cans from a truck at the  Youngsville creamery. Had the can contained milk death would have been instantaneous.

More than seventy-five school teachers attended the annual ladies night of the Sullivan County Schoolmaster Council, Friday evening. A feature of the program was the distribution of gifts supposedly from the Commissioner of Education. All of them bore a tinge of ironic humor. Charles S. Hick, district superintendent, received a megaphone; Fred Lewis, also superintendent, got hair tonic; Principal Roderick E. Lacy, lifts for his heels (he is six feet four inches tall); K.L. Rutherford, principal at Monticello, received tonic; and Mrs. Panebaker, principal at Liberty, got a false beard.

80 Years Ago - 1944

To celebrate the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nohtse about eight car loads of friends and neighbors assembled and secretly approached the Nohtse residence with horns blowing and much gaiety. Games, singing and dancing were enjoyed until midnight when a sumptuous supper was served. The party broke up in the early morning.

Chris Thomaides of Sixteen received a telegram from the War Department Tuesday stating that his son, Lt. Alex Thomaides was reported missing. Alex was with the 8th Air Force in England and the Record reported his having 27 missions over enemy territory. He expected to come home soon on furlough.

 Jack Niflot, who owns property on the Basket Creek, near Long Eddy, is suing the Home Gas Company of Binghamton for damages of $4,000 claimed to have been caused to his property by the company’s gas pipes crossing and damaging the creek so that water flooded his land and swept away his barn.

The grand jury at Monticello this week indicted David Doughty of Eldred, county road foreman, for padding the road payroll. Doughty is a former supervisor of the Town of Neversink.

The Elmer C. Royce house and lot at Kenoza Lake has been sold by the county welfare department to Mrs. Ray Zukar of Brooklyn. She is a friend of the Plotkins of Kenoza Lake. 

At Youngsville, the house of Mrs. Henry Rogler, owned by her daughter, Mrs. Verna Meyer, has been sold to Harry Sugar of Brooklyn, who formerly was on the Zweig farm on East Hill.

Miss Betty Hahn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hahn of Callicoon Center, was married to Cpl. Louis H. Baum, son of Philip and the late Amelia Bischoff Baum of Hortonville, at St. Paul’s Reformed Church in Callicoon Center on May 21.

70 Years Ago - 1954

Kenneth Zieres of Livingston Manor has been appointed District Deputy grand Master of Sullivan County Masons. He succeeds Charles M. Peterson of Jeffersonville.

Fire of undetermined origin destroyed a five car garage owned by Fire Chief Abe Jacobson of Hurleyville and damaged an adjacent building owned by Chief Jacobson’s brother, Louis B. Jacobson.

Mrs. Elizabeth Schuler of Callicoon Center celebrated her 84th birthday at the Benson Nursing Home in the village last Wednesday.

David A. Townsend, formerly of this place, graduated from the Miami Military Academy. David is the son of Mrs. Betty Townsend and the late Alpheus Townsend, who operated the Electric Shop in this village for several years. Al lost his life by drowning while on a fishing trip in Canada some years ago.

The following were confirmed at the First Lutheran Church on Sunday: Linda Steffens, Arlene Sattler, Malcolm Back, Armand Seibert, Daniel Sickmiller, Joseph Strawbridge and Robert Velton.

Alex Abel, Lake Huntington, and Herman Bose, Youngsville, have formed the Lake Huntington Packing Company at Lake Huntington.

Howard “Sam” Tremper, salesman in the Mall Hardware Store, Jeff, died suddenly Tuesday evening at the Sayre, Pa., hospital.

60 Years Ago - 1964

Miss Helen Grace Olsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Olsen of Callicoon, became the bride of Charles Hanslmaier of Jeffersonville, son of Mrs. Gerda Waldas of Swan Lake and the late George Hanslmaier, on May 16, 1964.

Two of Max Yasgur’s cows have set a new officially recognized milk and butterfat record by registered Holstein cows in this area. Yasgur Forward Cindy, a 3-year-old, produced 17,690 lbs. of milk and 598 lbs. of butterfat in 305 days. Blair Skokie Shirley, a 5-year-old, had 14,150 lbs. of milk and 568 lbs. of butterfat in 305 days.

Gilbert Weiss, cashier of the First National Bank in Jeffersonville has been elected president of the Sullivan County Bankers Association.

The first Joseph K. Strawbridge Oratorical Contest will be held May 26 at the JYCS auditorium. The contest was begun by the Class of 1964 in honor of Mr. Strawbridge to perpetuate his vital interest in debate and oratory.

50 Years Ago - 1974

Rick Lander, riding Lenape Girl, his quarter horse jumper, took the Blue Ribbon in the Open Jumper Class in the Bennett College Annual Horse Show, held in Millbrook, Sunday, April 21. Rick was riding for Lenape Farms Stables.

St. James Episcopal Church of Callicoon is planning a Centennial Fair and Festival in honor of the 100th anniversary of the founding of that church.

Eddie Giacomin, goalie for the New York Rangers, will appear in person this weekend at the Upper Delaware Campgrounds in Callicoon on both Saturday and Sunday afternoon. He will be happy to sign autographs and to pose with youngsters.

B.C.I. Investigator Walter E. Hubert of the New York State Police, a native of Hankins, now assigned to the Ellenville substation, and the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Department were singled out for special recognition at the Middletown Times Herald-Record 1st Annual Police Honor Award Dinner for law enforcement agencies in their circulation area, which drew over 300 guests last Sunday at Kutsher’s Country Club in Monticello. Investigator Hubert was cited for the single-handed capture of a burglary suspect last July while unarmed and off-duty. Sullivan County Sheriff Joseph Wasser accepted for the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Department.

Mr. and Mrs. Toby Terranova of Callicoon announce the engagement of their daughter, Christine Angela, to Craig A. Reimer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Reimer of Hortonville. A spring wedding is planned.

Susan Schindler of JYCS won the 1974 poster contest of the Sullivan County Sportsmen’s Federation. Her poster will be the official poster for the 9th Annual Show at Grahamsville in September and on the show program. For winning, Susan received a $100 Savings Bond and one for $25 for placing first in her school. Other $25 bonds were also presented to these entrants: Peter Failla of Roscoe; Anne McBride, Delaware Valley; and Valerie Shade of Tri-Valley Central.

Eagle Scout ceremonies were held in honor of Timothy Zintel, Stephen Matson and Kurt Hahn at the First Presbyterian Church in Jeff last Saturday. Supreme Court Justice Robert C. Williams was the guest speaker.

40 Years Ago - 1984

Wilmer Sipple of Roscoe, the Town of Rockland historian, has had a lifelong dream come true. A caboose, which was the last car on a work train, weighing 45,800 pounds, was delivered by the O&W Railroad. Sipple plans to make the caboose into a museum and hopes to have everything ready around the 4th of July. It is located at the station site on Broad Street.

John L. Siska, a member of Post 9217, Liberty, and Barbra Hermann, a member of Auxiliary 5808, Callicoon, were elected and installed commander and president of the Sullivan County VFW and Ladies Auxiliary at a meeting held May 10 in Liberty. They will assume office in July.

The footings for the foundation of the senior citizens building project in Liberty are in place. The center, sponsored by the Town of Liberty, is expected to be competed in mid-June.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony on May 12 celebrated the opening of the Orchard Inn in Glen Spey. Donna and Anthony Werneke are the ownners of the area’s latest gourmet dining establishment which is embellished inside with antiques from the area and the personal collection of the owners.

Cliff Kelly of Narrowsburg was among the 3,400 graduates of Purdue University at Indianapolis, Ind., on Mother’s Day. Ceremonies were held in the new Hoosier Dome which holds 60,000 people.

A tentative agreement has been reached in the teachers’ strike at the Jeffersonville-Youngsville Central School. The school budget was defeated in a May 2 vote.

A feature in the  Sullivan County Democrat notes that the Woodbourne Fire Department has grown from a membership of 25 men in 1917 to 120 in 1984. All of the equipment is stored in a new building which was dedicated in May 1959, the same date the ambulance corps was organized. A major fire in the 1930s occurred when the Godlin Building burned in the business district destroying a barber shop, a butcher shop and rooms upstairs and another in 1964 burned down the principal portion of the business district in zero degrees temperature that made it a difficult effort.

The 100th anniversary Memorial Parade will be held in Fremont Center this May. From the June 4, 1912, issue of the Democrat, it was printed “Memorial Day was one of the greatest days of the season. It was observed as usual by marching from Mr. Huff’s hall to the cemetery and from there to the church. From there they marched back to the hall where a big dinner awaited them. There was a ball game on Decoration Day between the Fremont Center and Acidalia nine. The Fremont nine won the game and after the game they all came to L. Huff’s hall and had a grand supper which was free. It was contributed by all the good folks at Fremont. Everybody had a good time and many thanks to all that donated and to Mr. Huff for the hall.”

30 Years Ago - 1994

Seventy Russian children, ranging from age 8 to 16, are staying at the Campbell Inn in Roscoe, hoping to get a taste of life in Sullivan County. Among the visitors are the sons and daughters of five mayors and the daughter of the Russian vice premier who will buddy up with students at Roscoe throughout their stay, auditing some classes and attending the Roscoe  spring concert on Tuesday.

Teacher Carol Smith of Tennessee was the recipient of $5,000 in the first National Educator Award, sponsored by Cablevision Industries in the 18 states the company serves. The award was presented by President and CEO Allan Gerry at the Liberty office.

Edward “Mike” and Melvina Kelly, now living in California, were feted on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary at the Liberty Elks on April 13. They are former Sullivan County residents.

Ruth Segar of Jeffersonville was recently feted on the occasion of her 90th birthday with a gathering at the Presbyterian Church in Jeff. Among the guests was her 90-year-old cousin, Clara Stockley, who came from Weston, Conn., to help her celebrate. 

20 Years Ago - 2004

A New York State Main Street Revitalization grant will pave the way for new sidewalks in the village of Jeffersonville.

Kevin and Susan Gilbert of Cohoes announce the engagement of their daughter, Alicia Marie Gilbert, to Peter Karel Hornicek, son of Charles and Mary Etta Hornicek of Hortonville. A summer 2005 wedding is planned.

State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/C-Mount Hope) recently named Barbara E. Hust as a recipient of the New York Senate Achievers Award for her work as a volunteer for her church, community and in the Sullivan County Correctional Facility.

Cannie D’s Corner in Neversink had its grand opening and ribbon-cutting on May 14 and 15. The building was all constructed by local contractors.

For the third year in a row, people and their pooches gathered in the park across from the Potager restaurant on Sullivan Street for the Wurtsboro Dog and Puppy Show on Saturday in a fundraiser for the Sullivan County SPCA and Wurtsboro Renaissance.

The Sullivan West boys’ golf team edged James I. O’Neill last Wednesday in a playoff match to capture the Orange County Interscholastic Athletic Association (OCIAA) Division IV championship last Wednesday in Hamptonburgh. The Bulldogs defeated the Raiders 210-211 in the playoff. The Sullivan West team was comprised of Sean Semenetz, Joe Winski, Kenny Rhodes, Justin Armstrong and Ben Kleiner.

10 Years Ago - 2014

A newly mounted plaque honoring Dr. George and Mrs. Barbara Hahn and their 50-plus year dedication and commitment to the Jeffersonville community was dedicated recently. The Hahns moved in 2009 to North Branford, CT. They had been married 57 years when George “Doc” Hahn, a popular Jeffersonville veterinarian, passed away on February 1, 2014. “We all wanted to do something,” friend Jack Costello said, “But the idea for the plaque came from JEMS’ Sue Bodenstein.” Bodenstein is the president of the Jeffersonville Enhances More of Sullivan group, whose origins over a decade ago are tied to the Hahns. Mrs. Hahn was not only the founding lady of Jeffersonville Enhances Main Street – the original name of JEMS – but also rescued the old school bell from the Jeffersonville Union Free Schoolhouse and restored it to its current location next to the 1938 building of the Sullivan West Elementary School. Mrs. Hahn also originated the Catskill Regional Medical Center’s practice of planting trees in the hospital garden for newborns. Dr. Hahn lobbied to keep the state from tearing down the Stone Arch Bridge and is credited with saving the bridge. Dr. Hahn was also actively involved on the planning board for the Sullivan County Parks and Recreation Commission, the Jeffersonville Lions Club, the Jeffersonville-Youngsville school board as well as the Cornell Cooperative Extension Association of Sullivan County. The Hahns also started the Christmas-time Luminaria, and helped to put up the Town Clock in 2001 as well as the Armed Forces Board on Main Street. The couple and their community organization JEMS beautified almost every garden in town.


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