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  Our family has been experiencing some sadness during this holiday which should be a joyous time.   My granddaughter, Shauna lost her dog, Mia due to a series of strokes that happened … more
It’s not beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the Donohue household as the song goes. I am slowly getting out cards and decorations for a tree which hasn’t arrived at my door yet. I … more
  I had a very rewarding concert to go to on Saturday November 16th in Brooklyn at the beautiful residence of Dan and his partner. The Empire State building was still lit up in red, white … more
The first nude beach I was aware of was one in Sarasota, Florida.   Since there are a lot of Senior citizens in that area, my aunt and I would joke about it, saying they would hang out together … more
  A couple of weeks ago   I got some good news from the doctor who was handling my breast cancer diagnosis that occurred a few years ago. After examining me, he told me that he no … more
My friend Leisha’s parents were due to fly to New Jersey   from England where they live, to visit their daughter and her family, as they do every year, at least once, when her father fell … more
  I   have a chair in my kitchen at the storm door where my cat, Daisy can sit and watch squirrels, chipmunks, birds, and whatever wild life passes by.   As I was sitting there … more
I love sitting out in my backyard. There are so many things to enjoy there.   For weeks I’ve had to cut down on that because of the intense heat. My son’s dog, Andy, likes to … more
  A few days ago, my friend, Amalia called me to ask if I was going to the fourth of July parade and festivities that takes place in my town at Memorial Park.   When Jimmy was still … more
Some of these memories are from my husband’s childhood but I heard about them so often that I feel like I lived them myself. One was about the time when he and his friend, Bobby Schlosesser … more
When my husband was a kid, his friends used to call him Jamsey. In fact they continued to call him that when they all became adults. Although   some of them flat out refused to grow up, I … more
People who know me well are aware that I feel I must have at least one banana a day or I cannot function. So when my friend John Bale, who now lives in Conneticut, saw a truck full of bananas turn … more
In my last column, I wrote about funny people in my life. One of them was my sister-in-law, Marion. I thought of another saying of hers that I forgot to include. Since she was a hair dresser, people … more
My great-grandson, Scotty, is now six months old and his father, John McFarlane, was trying to pick a time when the whole family would be able to visit us in River Edge. John and his family live in … more
My   actual birthday was on February 21. When people hear my name they sometimes ask me if I was born in June and my answer is “No but my parents didn’t like the name … more
To continue with my story about my friends the Orrs, I will be writing about Willy who was a boy they took in from the fresh add fund and continued to do so throughout the years. When Willy grew … more
When I was a kid, a popular expression was DRY UP  if you wanted to shut someone up.  Well apparently I was asleep at the wheel because for days now I have had very dry skin despite … more
As I mentioned in my last column, my friend Maria was a firm believer in Miracles.   Even though a doctor had told her that her son, Eddy should be institutionalized because he’d never … more
I first met Maria at a special nursery school for developmentally disabled children. It was obvious right away that her son, Eddy was seriously disabled. We mothers were going for coffee after … more
I was entitled to a free turkey from Shoprite but I didn’t want to cook so I sent my friend, Leisha to deliver it to the Center for Food Action in Hackensack in plenty of time for the recipient … more
Scotty is now one month old.   I haven’t seen him in person yet because he lives in Tom’s River, which is about two hours from here, but I get a lot of pictures of him, courtesy of … more
I remember going to Mrs. Maulick’s house, as a child, on Halloween. She lived just up the street from us and my friends and I would be falsely accused, by her, of coming back a second time so … more
My son, Michael often points out to me that I keep interrupting him when he speaks to me.   In fact it’s an every day occurrence. What I tell him is that when I die, I will leave him one … more
The following are TV commercials that I find annoying because they are outrageously inaccurate.   When my developmentally disabled son, Jimmy, was young and he saw a commercial about a product … more
The following are TV commercials that I find annoying because they are outrageously inaccurate. When my developmentally disabled son Jimmy was young and he saw a commercial about a product he liked … more
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