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Down the Decades

May 21, 2024 Edition

Compiled by Lee Hermann, Muse, & Ruth Huggler
Posted 5/21/24

140 Years Ago - 1884

The school known as the “Brag Hollow” in the Town of Fremont has had three teachers since last fall. The first, a Miss Layton, received an offer that evidently …

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Down the Decades

May 21, 2024 Edition


140 Years Ago - 1884

The school known as the “Brag Hollow” in the Town of Fremont has had three teachers since last fall. The first, a Miss Layton, received an offer that evidently suited her better, and which she accepted by getting married, and the second retired from the school in disgust after four days service. The third is still at work.

I. Osterhout of Woodbourne is again erecting a cabinet shop on the site of the one recently burned. This will be the third building Mr. Osterhout has built there, and it is hoped that better luck may attend this one. The others burned to the ground.

Hailstones were quite numerous during the heavy thunderstorm passing over this section last Friday evening.

Mrs. A.A. Chapman informed us that the accident which occurred to her by breaking through the bridge on the Callicoon road recently, was not a serious one. She did not get bruised nor hurt one bit, and that the story published hurt a good deal more than her fall.

A dispatch from Richmond, Va., Charley Ford, one of the notorious Ford brothers who killed Jesse James, committed suicide. He died almost instantly without leaving a statement as to the cause of his action, which was probably the result of ill health and dissipation. Since killing Jesse James, he had more money than he ever saw before and led a fast life.

130 Years Ago - 1894

“Motion made and seconded that this association shall be known by the name and style of Rockland Hose Co. No. One.” So stated the minutes dated May 16, 1894, of a group of 18 concerned citizens chaired by M.H. Dodge and thus was created the present Rockland Volunteer Hose Co. No. 1 Inc. Mr. Dodge was elected president, E.B. Palen as secretary and M.E. Tupper as first foreman. Another interesting notation in the minutes was that the adjourned meeting was to again assemble the following evening, May 7, 1894, “for the purpose of perfecting the new organization” and its charter membership list was left open until the close of this meeting. The Rockland Hose Co. No. 1 had 11 more signups that second night for a total of 29 members with a hefty entrance fee of 25¢ and monthly dues of 10¢. At first, meetings were held in private homes, then moved to a carpentry shop rented from the Estate of G. R. Green at a cost of $1 per month, beginning October 1894. Since then the Hose company has occupied several buildings. However, its main hall was an abandoned New York State fish hatchery building. About 1900, this building was moved by a horse and windlass from Upper Rockland to a site across from the Twin Village Golf Clubhouse. Additional work, additions and improvements have been made since that time.

Callicoon Center — There is a water trough by the wayside in this village which has an interesting history. In the early ‘70s A.E. Wenzel bought a corner of the hotel property known as the spring lot and, for the accommodation of residents near, led the water from a spring on the lot across the brook to the roadside and set up this trough. Wenzel died, the property changed hands and the new owner demanded rental for the use of the water.

If you live in a town, you should believe in it. If you don’t believe your own town is a little better in most respects than any of its neighbors, you should move out. Like other places, it has advantages that others have not, and your modesty should not prevent you from making the fact known whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Narrowsburg — I heard an editor, who runs a lively little sheet in this county, say a few days ago that “the Record was the best printed and gave the most news of any paper in Sullivan County.”

Frank Lober sells accordions for $1.75 to $5.63; harmonicas, 13¢, good ones for 22¢; carpenter’s axe, 39¢; whalebone whips, 95¢; and a thousand other articles, useful and otherwise, that everyone wants, at prices just as low as those mentioned above. Eggs taken in exchange for goods.

The house of Philip Gerhardt, called the Globe Hotel at Fremont Center, caught fire from the chimney on Saturday night, May 5th, and burned to the ground.

A Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary will be given to the lucky purchaser of a package of cattle food at Conrad Metzger’s.

120 Years Ago - 1904

Will Lawrence of Jeffersonville is constructing a new telephone line between there and Youngs-ville.

The rainy spell which started last Saturday is still on — at least there have been no clear up days.

W. Becker has bought a handsome new soda fountain for the drugstore he will erect at Lake Huntington.

The dwelling of Abram Wilson of Lenape Lake, near Livingston Manor, was burned May 5th.

Mrs. Ellen Luckey, widow of James Luckey, who died of heart trouble at the old homestead near Kenoza Lake Saturday, was burned by a fire which originated at the chimney in the attic.

At the auction of Mrs. MacDonald in Jeffersonville Saturday, as usual, some things went very cheap while others brought high prices. Mrs. MacDonald and family have taken board at the Jeffersonville House.

Trout are being caught right along in the streams in this section, but no remarkable catches have yet been reported. We haven’t any fish liars here, evidently.

There will be Sunday mail deliveries in Jeffersonville from June 1 to October 1.

L.P. Faubel has improved the front of his saloon by putting in plate glass.

Jeffersonville is to have another doctor soon, making the fourth one. The drugs and office fixtures of Dr. MacDonald have been removed to the Attila building, where Dr. J.J. Donovan of New York will open an office next month.

Charles M. Heidt has sold his hotel at Mongaup Valley to his father-in-law, Fred Kitz of Long Eddy.

110 Years Ago - 1914

Sidney — Last Sunday, May 10, friends of the family in town were deeply pained to learn of the death of Mrs. Kitty Squires. She was the former Kitty Bogardus of Jeffersonville.

The Youngsville kids came to Jeffersonville Sunday to play a return game of ball with the local lambs and the game wound up in a collision. Harry Huff and Leslie Bryan, pitcher and catcher for the visitors, in running for an infield fly, collided with great force and both were knocked out.

Clifford Schultz, whose whereabouts it was noted last week was causing his parents here considerable anxiety, has been heard from. He is working in a glass factory in Binghamton.

Miss Margaret Weissenfluh died at her home on the farm near Youngsville Saturday, aged 57. She contracted measles about a week ago and pneumonia developed. She leaves a brother, Andrew, who lived on the homestead.

The Sullivan County Creamery Co. has installed at their creamery at Galilee, Pa., machinery for making evaporated milk and are now turning out this product at that plant.

Fred Ludwig has sold his bottling works at Liberty to Carl Volk and Adolph Doeinck of that place.

A special school meeting was held in Lower Beechwoods Tuesday night to vote on building a new schoolhouse, but no action was taken.

100 Years Ago - 1924

Lewis E. Manny on Saturday sold his large new boarding house at Youngsville to Mr. Engel, a New York butcher. The price paid for the property is said to be around $40,000 and includes the old house on the place, the mill pond, and all land excepting a lot at the lower end where Mr. Manny will erect a house. The boarding house, which has forty rooms, was erected by Mr. Manny in 1922 on the site of the old Himmelreich gristmill.

Mrs. Mary Wetzel, a former resident of Jeffersonville, died suddenly at her home in Jersey City on Wednesday, May 7th, in her 54th year.

The installation of Rev. A.A. Casper as pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Jeffersonville will take place tomorrow night.

 Baseball fans hereabouts are eagerly awaiting the opening of the season in Jeffersonville which is set for Sunday, May 25, when the new and improved Narrowsburg team will tackle the Jeffersonville Athletics.

John P. Huff died at his home about two miles east of this village Thursday, May 8th. He would have been 63 years old in June.

John Lowe, Charles F. Bergner and John H. Hess, who recently bought Hartung’s Callicoon Hotel at Callicoon, have planned to erect a large two-story garage building.

The building committee of the M.E. Church have secured plans for the erection of a new church on the site of the old one, which was torn down some time ago.

Supervisor Jacob Brustman of the Town of Fremont was taken suddenly ill of acute indigestion while attending the meeting of the Board at Monticello Tuesday. He was removed to his home.

Gideon Young, 62, and Michael Noeth, 59, of Liberty, who were seriously injured when their automobile struck an O&W train and was crushed to bits at the Parksville crossing Tuesday afternoon, are improving.

90 Years Ago - 1934

The bar will be reinstated as a legal channel for the sale and consumption of hard liquor when the bill signed by Gov. Lehman goes into effect on July 1.

At the annual meeting of the Sullivan County Volunteer Firemen’s Association at Hurleyville last week, Benjamin Strain of Hurleyville was elected president to succeed Edwin Keyser of Jeffersonville. Andrew D. Schoonmaker of Youngsville was elected vice-president.

The fire siren went off on a false alarm again last Thursday evening, getting out the firemen with no place to go. Lightning caused a short circuit in the wiring.

William J. Grishaber has leased the Franklin on Silver Heights to Mrs. Rose Ginsberg of the Bronx, who took possession this week and will run it as a rooming house. Mrs. Ginsberg is a cousin of butcher Hyman Abel of Jeffersonville.

William H. Baum, who has been running the Delaware Inn the past year, is negotiating for the purchase of the Grange Hall in Jeffersonville.

 Three hundred spring cushion seats have been installed in the Maple Theatre in place of the over 400 chairs formerly there — which gives seating comfort as well as more leg room for patrons.

Twenty-five people from Jeffersonville petitioned the village trustees to call a special election to vote on the proposition to adopt daylight saving time in Jeffersonville. The proposal was voted on here a couple of years ago and decisively defeated.

During the storm last Thursday lightning struck at the home of Harrison Townsend on the former J.J. Townsend farm at Hurd. It was a fireless stroke, but did considerable damage in a shattering way.

Mrs. Marion Moran, our new postmaster, will take over the office today with Robert H. Mann, son of the retiring postmaster, as assistant.

The 95th birthday anniversary of Mrs. Mary Spielman was celebrated by relatives and friends at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rittershausen, on May 12th.

Miss Marie Murphy, daughter of Mrs. Mary Murphy of Liberty, and J. Irving Pollen, son of Joseph Pollen of Livingston Manor, were married May 10th in Harriman by Rev. Father Brochu.

80 Years Ago - 1944

Pvt. Albert Felske, in an infantry outfit at Camp Blanding, Fla., is home on furlough.

 Don L. Essex, director of the division of school buildings and grounds of the State Education Department after a conference with representatives of all sections of the Delaware Valley Central District, has approved what is called the gas station site for a new central school building.

When the flywheel of the car of Frank Graby of the Town of Fremont broke in several pieces, May 6th, ripping up the car considerably, Graby sustained a broken right leg and Arthur Newman, in the front seat with Graby, had his left leg broken.

Miss Dolores Louise Canveri, 20, who attended and graduated from high school in Jeffersonville as the ward of Mrs. Ella P. Schmidt and Mrs. Violet Mase, was recently sworn into the Women’s Reserve U.S. Naval Reserve as an apprentice seaman.

Edwin L. Baker, former principal, is on leave at his home here for ten days. He has just completed training at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station near Chicago.

Sgt. Max Gerster, 25, radio technician of the Army Air Corps at Camp Lubbock, Texas, spent a couple of days here last week, calling on friends. Max will be remembered as the pin boy for his step-father, the late Gottlieb Allenspach, who operated the bowling alleys in Jeffersonville for a while.

Miss Elizabeth Gibbons of near Wilkes-Barre, Pa., is the substitute commercial teacher in the central school for Miss Muriel VanOrden of Kauneonga Lake, who underwent an operation.

70 Years Ago - 1954

The Jeffersonville Boy Scout Troop 106 has been reorganized under the leadership of Henry Peters, who will be assisted by Ralph Bernhardt, Edwin Puerschner, Harry Mathern Jr. and Edmund Ahnstrom.

William Gute has been elected to attend Boy’s State by the Emmett Turner Post of the American Legion.

The Jeffersonville Lions took over sole possession of first place in the DVL Sunday when they won their second straight game.

Adele Brown and William Gute were chosen King and Queen of the Jeff Junior Prom. The theme for the decorating was “Underwater Dreamland.” Last year’s sovereigns, Shirley Scardefield and Frank Pecsi, crowned their majesties with crowns brought to the throne by the bearers, Ruth Baumgardt and Bruce Pecsi. Attending the regal couple were Carol Jean  Stephenson and Stanley Sattinger, freshmen; Barbara Williams and Richard Lott, sophomores, Virginia Fulton and Carl Hassis, juniors; Shirley Scardefield and Frank Pecsi, seniors. Norman Loeffel and his orchestra were submerged in a sunken boat (as part of the decor, of course).

The marriage of Miss Bettina Pippo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pippo of Hortonville, to David Connors of Minnesota, was performed Saturday at the Holy Cross Church in Callicoon by the Rev. Edward McGuire.

60 Years Ago - 1964

The Jeffersonville-Youngsville Central School Band, under the direction of Mrs. Nora Arquit, starred at the New York State Pavilion Sullivan County Day at the World’s Fair this Monday. The 65-piece band entertained the Pavilion visitors for 45 minutes with selections ranging from overtures to novelty tunes. The school band was met by Assemblyman Hyman Mintz and Mrs. Helen Milk, co-chairmen of Sullivan County Day at the World’s Fair. The band played so well that the director of the Pavilion personally complimented them on their performance.

The first Sullivan County Dairy Princess will be chosen on Memorial Day at Hermann Hall in Callicoon. Mrs. Lester Hillriegel is chairman of the contest.

One hundred twelve exhibitors, representing local and national manufacturers, wrote an estimated half million dollars worth of business during the three day Sullivan County Hotel Show and Exposition held at Monticello Raceway.

After a stay of six years in Paris, France, John Laverty returned to the U.S. on board the Cunard Liner Queen Elizabeth. He was accompanied by his wife, Margaret, and month-old daughter, Julie Lynn. The Lavertys intend to enjoy a vacation with their family, Mr. and Mrs. David Laverty of Kohlertown. Mrs. John Laverty is a native of Coventry, England, and was under contract at the Casino de Paris until a few years prior to the birth of their daughter. The Casino is comparable to the famous Lido. The Lavertys plan to live in New York City and continue their activities in the theater and television.

A double baptism was held at the Jeffersonville Methodist Church on Sunday when Richard Ronald Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams, and Roderick Robert Barns, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Barns, were baptized, each being sponsored by the parents of the other. Following the ceremony, a small dinner was held at the Williams home.

50 Years Ago - 1974

Clay “Foxy” Kirschbaum of Cochecton has taken a 25-pound turkey, the biggest specimen of the year. “Patience and Perseverance paid off,” said Foxy.

Marilyn Turk, formerly of Callicoon, has attained a perfect 4.0 average at Buffalo State University and has been inducted into Kappa Delta Pi, national education honor society. She is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mauer of Liberty and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Turk of Union Springs.

Stocking of the Neversink Reservoir with Atlantic Salmon, one of the most exciting sports fishing experiments in New York state in years, was bolstered this month when 5,000 more salmon were successfully transferred to its depths after a 900-mile, non-stop trip from the Canadian hatchery where they were born two years ago.

Sandra L. Flynn of Callicoon was installed president of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Sullivan County Council on Monday evening in Bloomingburg.

A small room in the rear of the Delaware Town Hall in Hortonville has been fixed up in hopes that the Sullivan County Sheriff’s office will establish a sub-station in this western part of the county.

40 Years Ago - 1984

Mary Grund of Forestburgh was honored as Senior Citizen of the Year. She has been a member of the Forestburgh Town Board for 20 years.

Beth Welton of Roscoe was named Dairy Princess and Dawn Meyers of Jeffersonville was named runner-up in the contest held at Fiddler’s III in Lake Huntington Saturday night. Heidi Ferber of Hortonville, last year’s Dairy Princess, crowned her successor.

In a walk-a-thon sponsored by the Tri-Valley Lions and Lioness clubs, more than $5,000 was raised to help those who are blinded or are having other sight problems. Owen Davis finished running the 6.2 mile course in 48 minutes and 17 seconds and Mary Lou Pompeii, the only woman running, finished in 48 minutes 59 seconds. . . The Highland Lions held a 10 kilometer Journey for Sight which was captured by Biftax Rivera as he finished in 36.20 in the race held Sunday, May 6, at Sand Beach in Highland Lake.

A party to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the construction of Hermann Hall at the Delaware Youth Center was held May 9. Dancing to the music of Vernon Whitmore and his orchestra was followed by a midnight buffet.

Plans are being made for the 50th anniversary reunion of graduates of the Mountaindale High School. About 75 reservations have been received to date.

30 Years Ago - 1994

Woodstock aside, one of Sullivan County’s biggest tourism money-makers is the annual New York State Fire Chief’s Association convention. It’s traditionally held at the Concord Hotel in Kiamesha Lake and it’s good for at least $15 million a year in spinoff-spending for the Sullivan County economy. But this year, Thompson Supervisor Tony Cellini advised the IDA, which he chairs, the county nearly lost it. The chiefs, he said, were “unhappy” about the lack of things for them and their families to see and do in Sullivan apart from the firematic displays and were planning to take their lucrative show to Syracuse in Onondaga County next year where they were offered a better deal and more variety. The chief’s contract with the Concord runs out at the end of this year.

A committee consisting of Palma Avery, Denise Rappaport, Dr. Robert Kaiser, Sunnie Laufersweiler, Ken Wells, publicity chairman, June Bartol, Shirley Hornbeck, chairman, and Patsy Resnick are working diligently in their planning for the 100th anniversary celebration of Monticello High School.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Liberty had a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the church on May 13-15. The Rev. James Sudbrock, Bishop of the Metropolitan New York Synod, delivered the message at the 3 p.m. service on Sunday.

The Monticello Ambulance Corps will dedicate its new ambulance to the memory of charter member and avid supporter, the late Charlie Crist, in ceremonies scheduled to be held May 14 at the ambulance building.

There were a little over 900 residents in the village of Monticello in 1874 when a major fire swept through the village, destroying two hotels, the village newspaper and several stores. It was enough for a group of citizens to decide it was time to establish a fire department for future protection. The new fire company was organized on March 10, 1875 with 82 members and F.V. Johnson was elected as the first fire chief engineer. The department was comprised of two fire companies, Neptune Engine Co. and Mountain Hose. Within a year, Rescue Hook and Ladder was added to the organization with an additional 124 members, bringing the total membership in the fire company to more than 20 percent of the total adult population of the village. The first motorized piece of equipment was a hook and ladder, obtained in 1897, which remained in service well into the 20th century.

20 Years Ago - 2004

Randy and Jean Price of Damascus, Pa. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Jessica Lynne Price, to Casey Devin Laffey, both of Bayside. He is the son of Jeffry and Susan Laffey of Naples, Fla. An August 7, 2004 wedding is planned.

Sgt. Christopher and Stacey Lyon announce the birth of a daughter, Jessica Paige Lyon, born March 25, 2004 at the Seelig Division of Catskill Regional Medical Center. The maternal grandparents are Dave and Pam Mootz of Jeffersonville. Larry and Pam Lyon of Carrollton, Mo., are the paternal grandparents. Jessica also has eight great-grandparents and two great-great-grandparents. She is the niece of Chad Mootz, Dustin Lyon and Brianne Lyon and the cousin of 3-year-old Keegan Lyon. Stacey and Jessi are currently living in Jeffersonville while Daddy Chris serves his country in Iraq.

The Sullivan County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) held its 31st annual recognition luncheon May 10. RSVP Senior of the year 2004 was Mandell “Manny” Safer from the Town of Bethel. 

New Paltz Central School District Supt. Alan Derry will helm Sullivan West come July 1, replacing SW Supt. Michael Johndrow.

The Boy Scout chicken barbecue on May 8 was patronized by supporters from near and far. The Scouts appreciate the support of patrons and helpers. — Jeffersonville Corresp.

Nearly 50 golfers played 18 holes at Tarry Brae Golf Course in South Fallsburg on Saturday in the second annual Jake Classic Golf Outing, which was organized by the Sullivan County Probation Officers Association to honor the late Jacob E. Gunther III, New York State Assemblyman for the 98th District, who passed away in 2003 following a bout with cancer. Proceeds from the first Jake Classic were used to present two $1,000 scholarships to one high school senior in Sullivan County and one high school senior in Orange County. One of the requirements for the scholarship applicants was that they pursue a criminal justice-related degree in college.

10 Years Ago - 2014

Benjamin Cosor Elementary students and their families had a rare opportunity thanks to the Fallsburg Library, a grant from the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance, and Fallsburg Central School District’s (FCSD) Twenty-first Century Grant, to see a powerful and moving presentation entitled “The Sesquicentennial of the Civil War with Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.” Carolyn Evans, story teller and actress, portrayed Tubman, and had the audience enthralled and engaged in using Tubman’s experiences and words to bring to life the Civil War, slavery, and the immediate aftermath of slavery. The Sullivan County Historical Society and Museum was the perfect venue for this dramatization. Ably assisting Evans was Mama Jo Beckles, who provided narrative and musical accompaniment throughout.

Outgoing Liberty Fire Department Chief and current Liberty Police Department Sergeant Tim Vogler made it clear that he could not have done it alone. Over 200 people came out on a recent Saturday night to mark the end of his tenure heading the Liberty FD.  Vogler joined the fire department in 1988 and the police department in 1995 and has garnered awards and accolades in the decades since. In 1992 he was Liberty’s Fireman of the Year. In 1997, he saved an elderly man who was refusing to leave his second floor apartment while the building burned beneath him. That gained him a meritorious service from the PD and earned him runner-up for second place in the NYS Firefighter of the Year.


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