110 Years Ago - 1913
On Saturday the Callicoon Fire Department sold to the newly organized Lake Huntington Fire Department, the hand engine which was used here before the hydrants were put in, …
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110 Years Ago - 1913
On Saturday the Callicoon Fire Department sold to the newly organized Lake Huntington Fire Department, the hand engine which was used here before the hydrants were put in, and 150 feet of hose which will give Lake Huntington good protection against fire.
Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Tegeler of Milanville, Pa., are rejoicing over the arrival of a little daughter, born May 23. Her name is Ruth Alma.
The Memorial Day services at Fremont Center were well attended. The people gathered at the F.S. Bury store at 11 o’clock and formed in line headed by the Drum Corps and old veterans of this vicinity and marched to the cemetery where a service was read and the graves were decorated. A speech was heard at the church, given by George Anderson Sr., and remarks by the pastor, Rev. G.E.W. Bryant. After appropriate recitations by the children and songs and solos by the choir all adjoined to Mause’s Hall where dinner was served to all by the ladies of the vicinity. After dinner the married men and the single men played an interesting game of baseball.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cade last Monday.
Invitations have been received for the upcoming marriage of Caroline Neuberger to G. Cleveland Segar of Briscoe, at the home of the bride’s parents, Jeffersonville, on June 11.
Mr. Jacob Brustman of Obernburg has started work on the new town house at Fremont Center, which has to be completed by September 1.
Leo S. Smith of Tyler Hill and Miss Emma Abraham of Galilee were married at the bride’s home Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Lillian Lowe of North Branch was married to John Garry of New York on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Garry is a traveling salesman and was formerly employed by J.M. Schmidt & Sons Co. of North Branch.
Miss Minnie Muery, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Muery of Hortonville, was united in wedlock to Joseph Albee of Callicoon on Sunday. He is employed at the garage of Sawyer and Engert.
100 Years Ago - 1923
Three loaded freight cars coupled together got away from the O & W tracks in Liberty Friday morning. They ran to a point halfway between Summitville and Mamakating before they stopped, or about 28 miles.
Mrs. Mary Gutzeit entertained friends and neighbors June 5 in honor of the 80th anniversary of her natal day. —Cochecton Center Corresp.
Douglas Bennet, 14, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bennet of Roscoe, died two weeks ago in the Binghamton hospital where he had gone for treatment. Mr. Bennet was a former employee of Armstrong’s Store in Long Eddy.
A chestnut tree that was a sapling when he was a boy three-quarters of a century ago, has been recently reduced to firewood by Rufus C. Young, 83, of near Liberty. Last winter Mr. Young began sawing the tree down. After sawing around the dead tree that measured 18 1/2 feet in circumference, he waited for the wind to fall it, then set at cutting it up. The tree grew on his parental farm and he remembers it as a small tree when he was a boy.
Mathilda Heuchert of Fremont Center and Bertha McGuire of Hankins will uphold the glory of Fremont spellers at the county fair spelling contest, they having been adjudged winners of the township test here Friday. The alternates are A. Anderson of the Basket School and Agnes McGuire of the Hankins School.
A daughter, Wilda Ezelma, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Stewart, June 6, in North Branch.
Arthur Hartung has opened Tip Toe Inn at Lake Huntington where he is serving the public. He is featuring lake shore dinners which his brother, William, made a success of last summer.
W.H. Hill has found something that he thinks is pretty good. It is a motor weighing only 35 pounds that may be easily carried about and attached to a rowboat or canoe, converting the craft into a motorboat. Bob Larkin was the first man in town to realize the advantages of riding up and down the Delaware without pulling oars and bought one.
Contractor John Lowe of Callicoon is constructing the new Catholic Church in Narrowsburg. He has the painters started on the new construction. — Narrowsburg Corresp.
Guess Beaver Brook is booming. We have three stores and two ice cream parlors. The butcher makes two trips a week and groceries are delivered at your door once a week.
90 Years Ago - 1933
The First National Bank in Callicoon, which has been operating under restrictions since March 18th, will be reopened soon when plans, which have been approved by Federal authorities, are carried out.
The marriage of Miss Ronnie Scardefield of Kenoza Lake and George Winkelstern of the same place will be held at the Kenoza Lake Methodist Church on June 26 at 7:30 in the evening.
A 7 lb. 6 oz. boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rodenburg of Lookout, Pa., Tuesday, at the Callicoon Hospital. Mrs. Robert Armbrust and son were discharged Monday.
Guernsey T. Cross of Callicoon, for four years secretary to President Franklin D. Roosevelt when he was Governor of New York State, was appointed and sworn in yesterday as counsel to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
Slated for graduation at the Callicoon High School June 25 are Jane Baudendistel of Long Eddy, Ethel and Marion Baum, and Myrl Bennett, all of Callicoon; Henrietta Carlsen of Callicoon Center, Frederick Cramer of North Branch, William Dwyer of Callicoon, Robert Euker of North Branch, Amelia Freyberger of Callicoon, Grace Gaudette of Hortonville, Edith Gorr, Ethel Gorr, Edmond Hoffmann, all of Callicoon, Frederic Lauder of Mileses, Genevieve Milk of Long Eddy, Roberta Molusky of Callicoon, Richard Schrumpf of Callicoon Center, Vera Steffens of North Branch, Viola Weyrauch of Callicoon Center and Hans Wittig of Hortonville. All functions will be held in the gymnasium hall at the school.
Ten carloads of gypsies from Indiana were given police escort out of Sullivan County from Rock Hill to Wurtsboro, following complaints from three widely separated regions of gypsy women taking money by fortune telling ruse. Three other car loads were missed by the officers.
A double funeral was held Monday for Mr. and Mrs. John Hickey of Monticello, victims of fatal injuries when their automobile was struck by a truck on a curve at Rock Hill Friday.
Born to Supervisor and Mrs. Hans Howald, a daughter. —Neweiden Corresp.
80 Years Ago - 1943
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nordhausen, prominent Lake Huntington couple, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Johnson of Yonkers, who were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary the same day.
Edna, daughter of Mrs. Laura Korth of Callicoon Center, and PFC Melvin Soule of Callicoon Center were united in marriage June 6 at the bride’s home.
Roy V. Sullivan, principal of Narrowsburg Central School for seven years, has received word of his appointment as Lieutenant Junior Grade Aviation Volunteer, effective May 14.
Mrs. Arnold Euker and infant son were discharged from the Callicoon Hospital Monday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kern of Long Eddy on Thursday evening.
George and Lillian Wall of New York City last week purchased the Weiss farm at Abrahamsville. The Walls will use it for a summer home.
Benjamin L. Tyler, D.D.S., 69, died at his home at Damascus, Pa., on May 29. He was born November 30, 1873, in the house in which he died. He practiced dentistry in Damascus.
Among those accepted for service in the armed forces from the area under the jurisdiction of the Liberty draft board two weeks ago are the following: Robert B. Keiser of Roscoe, Gerald H. Mootz of Callicoon Center, Robert B. Myers and Henry J. Topp, both of Jeffersonville, all in the Army. John J. Swords of North Branch was accepted for the Navy.
70 Years Ago - 1953
Frank S. Bury, 74, longtime merchant at Fremont Center, died at the Andersen Nursing Home in Jeffersonville following a year’s illness. He began his career as a merchant in 1906 and in 1930 erected his own store which he operated until 1952.
At the Callicoon Hospital it was a son to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Minckler of Long Eddy, on Friday, and to Mr. and Mrs. George Glassel of Callicoon RFD; a daughter, Monday, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Black of Equinunk, Pa.; and a son, Wednesday, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McDoal of Roscoe. Mrs. Calvin Ray and son of Long Eddy were discharged as were Mrs. Lewis Schnagle and son of Eldred, Mrs. Glennie Schwab and daughter of Galilee, Mrs. Ray Pomeroy and daughter of Roscoe, Mrs. Albert Noble and daughter of Narrowsburg, Mrs. James Brown and daughter of Mileses, and Mrs. Victor Werlau and daughter of Callicoon.
Miss Evelyn Specht became the bride of Albert Schick at St. George’s Church on June 6.
Three Boy Scouts were given Life Awards at the Nava-sink District Court of Honor held at Woodbourne last Saturday evening. They are William Ulrich and John Morgan of Eldred and Benson VanInwegen of Monticello.
Wedding bells — Miss Patricia Peterson became the bride of Richard Hoffman of Hankins on Saturday at Holy Cross Church… Miss Jeane E. Flaccus of Youngsville became the bride of Lester F. Hust of Jeffersonville on June 7 at the Jeffersonville Presbyterian Church.
According to George F. Hoffman Sr., owner of the Sullivan County Deer Preserve Park at Lava, there are 7 fawns to be seen.
60 Years Ago - 1963
Mrs. Anne Mages, a member of Auxiliary 5808, VFW, Callicoon, has been elected president of District No. 2 Ladies Auxiliary, at a convention held in Newburgh.
Miss Betty Ann Meckle became the bride of Raymond Rutledge on May 25 at St. Francis Xavier Church in Narrowsburg.
Two Callicoon residents were killed instantly and a third remains in critical condition after an automobile-train collision at Lordville on June 11. Dead are Howard Newman, 43, and his mother-in-law, Mrs. Ruth Gagliardi, 56. Mrs. Rose Newman is in Read Memorial Hospital in Hancock where she is listed as critical.
Three persons are dead and at least seven others are in Liberty-Loomis and Roscoe hospitals from injuries suffered in an early morning fire that leveled the Waldemere Hotel at Livingston Manor early Tuesday morning. Loss is estimated in excess of $1 million. The fire destroyed the main building and the major portion of the recently constructed two-story annex housing some 50 guest rooms.
Ground-breaking ceremonies of the new Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodge and Restaurant at the corner of old Route 17 and Route 52 near Liberty were held yesterday.
National honors went to Janet Flax, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Jules Flax, for successfully passing the requirements in the tests given piano students, according to an announcement made by Mrs. Ilse Glassel, chairman of the Jeffersonville Chapter of National Guild of Piano Teachers.
Commander William Johnson, son of Mrs. George Johnson of Long Eddy, has been appointed executive commander aboard the nuclear powered cruiser, the U.S.S. Galveston. The ship has a complement of 3,000 men and 900 officers.
Fr. Joel Munzing of St. George’s R.C. Church, Jeffersonville, announc-ed on Sunday that the new multi-purpose parish hall under construction will be named Pope John Hall. The hall will enlarge the seating capacity of the church by 150 and will serve for general parish functions with kitchen facilities.
50 Years Ago - 1973
Miss Melody Hector, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hector of White Sulphur Springs, was crowned 1973 Sullivan County Dairy Princess last Friday night at King’s Restaurant in Livingston Manor. Sixteen and a junior in Liberty Central High School, she plans a career in agricultural engineering and will represent the county at the Statewide Dairy Princess Pageant in Syracuse August 1-3.
Miss Antoinette Grabek of Youngsville became the bride of Gary Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Black of Barton on June 2.
Mrs. Florence Berberich and Irwin Boxberger, both of Youngsville, were united in marriage June 2 with the Rev. Newton Ford performing the ceremony in a garden wedding at the bride’s home.
The Department of New York Ladies Auxiliary to the Polish Legion of American Veterans held a convention at Valley View House, Kenoza Lake, June 9 and 10.
Word has been received that Mrs. Lillian Hector and Mrs. Marie Schalck, both employed by the Narrowsburg School District, have been named Outstanding Elementary Teachers of America for 1973.
On June 2, Sharon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Noetzel of White Sulphur Springs, became the bride of Raymond McEnroe at the First Congregational Church in Oxford.
40 Years Ago - 1983
Wendy Krom and Joann Oliver, members of the graduating class of Tri-Valley Central School, have been accepted in the service academies of the United States: Wendy at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, and Joann at the United States Military Academy in West Point.
Stanley E. Smith, the retired owner and operator of Stanley E. Smith, and a one-time operator of the Roscoe Handle Works, died Wednesday, June 8, at the Delaware Valley Hospital. The Roscoe Handle Works factory was destroyed some 15 years ago by fire. The Smith Industries specialized in the manufacture of wooden products from exotic, imported woods such as cocobola and rosewood, with the Roscoe plant producing knife handles.
Earle Wilde, the retired Sullivan County Extension Service Agent with 33 years of service, was honored by more than 300 friends at a retirement dinner held at King’s Catering House in Livingston Manor. He will be succeeded by Gerald J. “Jerry” Skoda.
George J. Skizenski of Mileses was honored by Callicoon Postmaster Donald Krantz for 25 years service to the postal system. He is a clerk at the Callicoon post office.
Mrs. Sandra Flynn of Callicoon was installed president of the Ladies Auxiliary to District 2, Veterans of Foreign Wars, on Sunday at a meeting held in Kingston.
Mrs. Mae McCormick of Forestburgh recently celebrated her 94th birthday with a gathering of family and friends. She is the fourth generation to live on the apple producing farm located in Forestburgh.
Cori Van Vliet of Tri-Valley Central School has been named their outstanding female athlete. She and Mike Yager, outstanding male athlete, were honored at the sports banquet held last Friday.
Bobby Heins, a native of Monticello, has qualified for the U.S. Open for the second year. He missed the cut at Pebble Beach, Calif., last year by one shot to play the last 36 holes in last year’s U.S. Open.
30 years ago - 1993
School budgets were approved in Liberty, Delaware Valley and Livingston Manor in the recent annual budget vote. A $17.8 million budget was approved by more than a two to one margin and four members were elected to the Liberty school board in a record turnout of voters.
The 87th Annual Conference of the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, held at the Concord Resort Hotel in Kiamesha Lake (hosting the convention for the 29th consecutive year) June 12-16, hit the ground running when a convoy of the finest fire fighting equipment assembled at the Monticello Raceway and made its way down Broadway on its way to the convention center. More than 20,000 fire chiefs attended the conference which featured the largest display of fire fighting equipment and apparatus in the country.
The first casting platform for disabled fishermen on the Beaverkill River between Roscoe and Livingston Manor was opened in a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Douglas Cole of the Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association shared the honor with Rockland Supervisor Elton Harris.
No date has been set but the nurses at Community General Hospital voted to stage a strike over a dispute of wages and working conditions. The 160 nurses have been working without a contract since November 1992.
Elizabeth Farrell, 14 years of age and a resident of Liberty, was crowned Miss Sullivan County Teenager by her predecessor, Tammy Melissa Prince, at Sunday’s pageant held at the Villa Roma in Callicoon.
The Benjamin Cosor Elementary School in the Fallsburg School District observed its 25th anniversary with a party “that no one will ever forget” on Friday. Many of the first graduates of the school attended the observance. Opened in 1967, the building replaced four other buildings in the district: Hurleyville, Wood-ridge, Mountaindale and Woodbourne.
Buddenhagen’s Ford team won the Delaware Youth Center Tournament this past weekend and now, with Roche’s Garage team (playing with the Port Jervis League) has received an automatic bid to the New York State Nine-Man Major Modified Tournament in Albany on July 10-11. Tim Ackermann was the winning pitcher in the title game, hurling a one-hitter, and was tabbed the tournament’s MVP.
20 years ago - 2003
Nicole Salerno of Liberty, a seventh grader at St. Peter’s School, will be joining a group of American kids heading to Australia for three weeks this summer to represent her country as a People to People ambassador.
Clarence Kratz, who retired four years ago from the DOT in Kenoza Lake after 30 years on the job, has invented and patented a device known as Kratz Rail Alignment Toolz to make repairs of damaged highway guardrails easier and safer.
The second annual Tired Iron Tractor Show was held recently at the Lava Firehouse in Lava, despite the pouring rain. Organizer Doug Heinle said, “Today truly shows the spirit of the American tractor. Despite the weather, you will always find a tractor hard at work.”
Three Liberty Service Unit girls have completed the vigorous challenge of earning the Gold Award, Girl Scouting’s highest award at an award ceremony sponsored by the Sarah Wells Girl Scout Council. They are: 11th grader Erin Simpson of Liberty, 12th grader Larissa Arnaboldi of Grahamsville and Megan Baxter of Liberty, a senior at Liberty High School.
10 Years Ago - 2013
The honors continue to pile up for Terrence L. “Bucky” Roche, formerly of Callicoon, as the retired Army Colonel continues his commitment to community service. In the spring, Roche, of Carthage, NY, was named 2013 Carthage Citizen of the Year. Last month, Roche was State Senator Patty Ritchie’s (R-48, Oswegatchie) inductee to the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame. The son of the late James J. and Anna Marion Roche is a 1956 graduate of Delaware Valley CS and graduated from St. Bonaventure University.
The Barry Foster Memorial Fund was the big winner as a result of the inaugural Barry Foster Memorial Yankee Baseball Trip on June 2. The Rolling V Coach bus departed from Sullivan County filled to capacity to see the Yankees take on the Boston Red Sox. Although the Yankees bats were quiet, the crowd on the trip made enough noise to make up for it as over $1,000 was raised to benefit the Fund.
The Upper Delaware Volunteer Ambulance Corps in Hankins celebrated EMS Week with members taking time to visit the Young Ambitions Nursery School at the Hortonville Firehouse. During the visit, members met with the children, discussed what they do on the ambulance, the equipment they use and then gave them a tour of the ambulance.
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