The first time we see this question asked in scripture is found in Exodus 4:2. Moses is standing before a burning bush with God instructing him to go back to Egypt to set his captive people free. …
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The first time we see this question asked in scripture is found in Exodus 4:2. Moses is standing before a burning bush with God instructing him to go back to Egypt to set his captive people free. After Moses told God all the reasons why he can’t, God asked him what he had in his hand. It was a simple question with a simple answer – a staff.
This staff was basically a stick Moses used for herding sheep. Now God wanted to show Moses His power by doing signs and wonder through the staff. It didn’t matter that Moses didn’t feel capable of carrying out God’s assignment for him. God had all the power needed to use the piece of wood in his hand to deliver his people.
And so He did. God used that staff in Pharoah’s court to do signs and wonders, to bring about plagues against Egypt, to part the Red Sea so God’s people could escape certain death, and to close the waters over the pursuing army. All this from a piece of wood that was given for the Lord’s use.
We see in 1 Kings 17 another example of God using whatever we have in our hands. During a great famine, God sent the prophet Elijah to a widow in Zarephath to be cared for. All she had left was a little flour and oil that was enough for one more small meal for her and her son, and then they would prepare for starvation and death.
But God had other plans. Because she was willing to give the last of what was in her hands to the man of God, the little bit of oil and flour never ran out until the famine was past. There was food enough each day to keep the three of them alive.
A story is told in each of the four gospels of Jesus speaking to a large crowd of hungry people, and the disciples suggested He send them away to find food. Again, God had other plans. A young boy willingly gave up his lunch of five small loaves and two small fish, what he had in his hand. Jesus gave thanks for that and proceeded to feed many thousands of people with the meager offering.
So what do you have in your hands that may seem like nothing to you, but when placed in God’s hands may be the seed of a miracle? Most of us will not be called to lead millions of people like Moses, but we all have influence over someone. Are there children or co-workers in your life that you can model godly principles to impact their lives and future generations?
Do you have a little flour and oil and the ability to bake? The little in your hands can be a blessing to a shut-in or a single Mom working around the clock with no time to bake treats for her children.
Do you have a little extra food you can share with someone? With Thanksgiving approaching, you could consider sharing what you have with someone who will be alone or a less fortunate family.
We never know how God will use the small thing in our hands to be a blessing or even change someone’s life. Let’s take stock of what we have and ask the Lord how He desires to use it for His glory.
Hope Ministries is a Christian counseling center, and we are here to help. If you would like to speak confidentially with someone, give us a call at 845-482-5300.
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