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Woodbourne FD First Aid swears in officers

Vincent Kurzrock
Posted 1/17/25

WOODBOURNE   — The Woodbourne firehouse was abuzz with excitement as the department’s new First Aid Officers were sworn in Monday night.

Established in 1956, the Woodbourne Fire …

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Woodbourne FD First Aid swears in officers


WOODBOURNE  — The Woodbourne firehouse was abuzz with excitement as the department’s new First Aid Officers were sworn in Monday night.

Established in 1956, the Woodbourne Fire Department First Aid Squad regularly had a ceremonial dinner in January that marked the transition of officers.

“Because this [past] year was an election year, it was a very big thing,” Woodbourne First Aid President Ismael Berrios explained.

He also felt that because they were “turning a page” in the Ambulance Corps, he felt it fitting to bring the new officers in and let them sit down and eat and enjoy a relaxing night.

The swearing-in was said by Berrios to be very “exciting” as they haven’t “had this in 20 years” and were going back to their old roots.

The officers sworn in are:

Kevin Stack - Vice President/Engineer

Heidi Stack - Elected Representative Delegate to NYSVARA/ Delegate to Sullivan County EMS Council

Jesse Payne - Lieutenant/Third Man in Command 

Tanasia Swamy - Secretary

Ismael Berrios - President/Captain of the Woodbourne Fire Department First Aid Squad


Sullivan County EMS Coordinator speaks 

Sullivan County EMS-1 Coordinator and Deputy Public Safety Commissioner Alex Rau offered a few words of encouragement that centered around togetherness  and teamwork during the ceremony as well.

Rau talked of his experience of EMS in the county, including his 33 years of teaching EMT classes.

“I’ve met a lot of people in EMS in this county and a lot of faces that have been around for 30 years,” recounted Rau. “I think that’s a testament to the legacy that EMS has in this county.”

He recounted fellow EMS worker, Town of Bethel’s Constable Doug Ketcham, who recently suffered a cardiac arrest and passed away while on duty. He reflected that during that time the community came together.

“Four or five people from the Ambulance Corps, a couple of firemen, a bunch of law enforcement people all came together for a common goal,” stated Rau. “They all came together from different religious beliefs, socio-economic  beliefs, may lean one way or another politically... it was all about values and what their values were: people helping people, neighbors helping neighbors and taking care of our community.”

He emphasized that despite whatever else, the community came together and worked togther towards a common goal.

“We can’t lose sight of that,” stressed Rau.


Looking to the future of Woodbourne EMS

Berrios is anticipating big things for the First Aid Squad in the future.

For example, the First Aid Squad is acquiring an ambulance truckoff an assemblyline that met their needs and specifications.

“We put a comittee together of three commercial drivers, and three EMTs,” recalled Berrios. “We put our heads together and spec’d it [the truck] out. It’s scheduled to arrive the first week in February. We want to get the lettering and details on it so it’s functioning for us.”


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