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  Mark Twain, that legendary American author, once lived in Hartford, Connecticut, with his wife and children.   Luckily for us, his beautiful home has been restored and must be one of the … more
“We did it,” I said to my husband last Friday morning. I didn’t have to explain what “it” was.   He understood the happiness and heartache all wrapped up in … more
The power outage couldn’t have come at a worse time ... or a better one.   I had two pages of my website to update, six emails to send, photos to post to my business social media … more
We had wandered through the highs (Crown Jewels) and lows (Bloody Tower) of the Tower of London and were looking for some sustenance on our second day in London.   My daughter Liz had read about … more
“So, where are you going to school next year?” It’s an innocent enough question, and one I’ve surely asked dozens of times over the years of high school seniors.   … more
After our trip to the Royal Mews, our band of intrepid travelers (daughter Liz, SIL Peter, granddaughter Adeline et moi) decided to take the Tube back to the Knightsbridge Station in our tony … more
I spent the Friday morning before Mother’s Day shifting through stories of local moms, hundreds of moms who had been nominated by the people who love them for a giveaway I was running through … more
I confess that didn’t wake up at 5 am last Saturday to see Charles III travel down the Mall in his royal carriage.   I woke up in time to watch a few minutes of the service when they … more
Spend any time on the roads of western Sullivan County in the coming months, and you’re bound to get caught behind a tractor or two.   This is farm country. It’s been farm … more
For my granddaughter Adeline’s ninth birthday in January, her parents (my daughter Liz and son-in-law Peter) gave her tickets for a tour of the Harry Potter Studios outside London.   And … more
I’d only just stepped into the shower when I noticed it. The bright orange body of the thing embedded in my left calf was unmistakable.   On a rainy Saturday morning when I’d … more
Our third day in Brighton was cool and breezy, but not cold enough to keep us from visiting the famous Brighton Pier. Daughter Liz, son-in-law Peter, granddaughter Adeline, and I were guided through … more
“We are among the privileged, that’s for sure.” It’s not the sort of thing you might expect to hear from someone less than 24 hours after a tornado had torn through their … more
Our trip to the UK was busy, but not frenetic. My daughter Liz, son-in-law Peter, and granddaughter Adeline and I had enjoyed our morning wandering through The Lanes in Brighton, but our … more
When you grow up in the sort of town that has narrow unmarked roads, the kind that require drivers to pull to the side to let another car pass, there are rules you learn early.   Walk on … more
After our scandalously sweet visit to Julien Plumart’s patisserie in Brighton, UK, we (my daughter Liz, son-in-law Peter, granddaughter Adeline and our host Hari) were off to visit … more
If you’ve walked into a local establishment of late, you might have noticed the signs warning that any purchase beneath a certain dollar value will have to be paid for in cash.   And … more
It’s that time of year when we join the bears in stumbling out of hibernation only to realize that, quite suddenly, everything has to be done.   The mower blade needs to be sharpened. … more
Ah, dear Readers, we have recently returned from a whirlwind week across the pond. Our destination? Jolly old England! Our traveling party consisted of my granddaughter Adeline, daughter Liz, … more
Scientists tell us it’s officially Ok to welcome the beginning of spring when the Earth’s equator is aligned directly with the sun on the vernal equinox, a phenomenon that came to pass … more
Last Saturday evening, my friends Mary and Bob threw their annual St. Patrick’s Day dinner. They have been kind enough to feed us Mary’s incredibly tasty corned beef and cabbage dinner … more
“Whoaaaaaaa! We’re going to be in the paper! Can it be the front page?” If you want to win the heart of a newspaper’s photojournalist, this is your road map.   … more
Want to hear a magic trick? Admit to a small child that you, a grown-up who they do not see on a regular basis or may not even recall seeing, know their name.   As a photojournalist for … more
Hey there, cats and kittens!   Hope you are all enjoying this wondering end-of-winter weather we’re having. I was just thinking about all those little signs that tell you that you are … more
I took my first photo for the Democrat more than two decades ago. I was a high school intern who had absolutely no idea what she was doing, but then that’s the nature of being an intern, … more
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