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  If you read this newspaper and if you are a reader of this column, you will have noticed that I haven’t been contributing as much lately to the Sullivan County Democrat. As most readers … more
The poisonous pall that drew its oddly beautiful tawny surplice over our heads last week has slipped back to the North this week leaving cleaner, moister air settling in over Mongaup Valley and … more
In all but name, the Summer of 2023 has arrived. Beer and bags of ice are selling briskly; by late morning motor traffic is heavy on 17B and a line of cars builds quickly whenever a light turns red. … more
Surely, you, too, Reader, have noticed that this spring’s foliage in Sullivan County has been a kaleidoscope of color, almost as fantastical as the foliage of fall. Right now as you buzz down … more
Our April days have warmed and lengthened beautifully now to the point that you, Reader, can sometimes sit with a book on your lap or read this newspaper outside until almost 8:00 PM without a lamp. … more
April 7 – Glugg glugg! and hubba hubba! Yesterday, alerted by a friend to go down by the Lybolt Brook, I came upon a pool of glassy water full of what appeared to be four-eyed frogs. But wait! … more
March 3 – What with the sudden spate of snow storms hitting us in the past few weeks it has sometimes of late been difficult to safely enjoy a good brisk walk around Smallwood’s … more
February 3 – This past weekend I decided to go into New York City to celebrate my birthday with friends. Like many hereabouts who don’t have a NYC job anymore requiring regular visits, I … more
January 20 – While the Snow Gods have mostly danced far to the north of us so far this winter, those who live around Mongaup Valley and Smallwood, NY know very well that February is typically … more
December 30 – And here we are at the end of another year of life, dearly-precious, damnably-short life. 2022 has been a year of happiness and sadness for me, but sadness, alas, predominates. We … more
Once again, Dear Smallwoodian and Dear Mongaupian, we have reached the antipode of the Sullivan year. Where oh where has golden June gone, now? Days are short, nights bitter. Snowflakes fly at any … more
December 2 — This past Saturday, the Saturday after blessed Thanksgiving, two dear NYC friends and I attended the Smallwood Civic Association (SWCA)’s Turkey Trot Get Together on … more
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