Members of the Livingston Manor Volunteer Ambulance Corps (LMVAC) had much to feel proud of on Tuesday night at their annual dinner held at the Elks …
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Members of the Livingston Manor Volunteer Ambulance Corps (LMVAC) had much to feel proud of on Tuesday night at their annual dinner held at the Elks Lodge on Darbee Lane in Liberty.
Founded in February 1962, this year marks 60 years of service to their community.
LMVAC President Alex Rau thanked all the honorary and veteran members who have kept the organization going through the decades.
Rau also thanked all the active members in attendance Tuesday night, as well as their spouses and family members for their continued dedication.
“We all know what we do takes a huge commitment,” explained Rau. “But a lot of the behind the scenes support, the love, the understanding of leaving holiday dinners - that certainly comes from everyone else.”
Last year was a very busy time for the LMVAC. They answered 420 calls and drove some 12,423 miles.
“In 2021 our call volume was the busiest on record. County-wide that same statistic holds true,” Rau said. “2022 is on par to match that number. Hopefully it stays steady or declines.”
Throughout all that, members dedicated at least 1,224 total man-hours to calls alone.
“For an all-volunteer organization that’s quite an undertaking,” said Rau.
Of those 420 calls, top responder Ralph Bressler answered 384, followed by Rau answering 187 calls and Gordon LeRoy answering 100 calls.
LMVAC Past President Peter Feinberg was honored not only with an appreciation certificate for his 49 years of service, but also with a plaque recognizing his 23 years leading the organization as president.
The LMVAC gained six new members in 2021 and Rau said they currently have four people in EMT school.
“EMT class is about 140 hours … it is a lot of work and quite a commitment,” Rau said.
The LMVAC will host their second annual open house on May 28 at 98 Main Street in Livingston Manor where all are welcome to attend.
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