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Beth A. Clark scholarship awarded

Posted 6/23/23

SULLIVAN COUNTY —   New York State Mu Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, International Teachers’ Sorority, announces the 2023 winner of their Beth A. Clark Memorial Scholarship, as …

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Beth A. Clark scholarship awarded


SULLIVAN COUNTY —  New York State Mu Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa, International Teachers’ Sorority, announces the 2023 winner of their Beth A. Clark Memorial Scholarship, as Isabella DuBois of Cochecton. Isabella is a 2023 graduate of Sullivan West High School, and has plans to attend SUNY Cortland to major in Early Childhood Education/Childhood Education. She was chosen for her academic work, her community involvement, her dedication to excellence in education, and the recommendations of those who know her. We want to congratulate Isabella, and wish her well in her pursuit of a degree in Education. 

Alpha Delta Kappa is an International Honorary Sorority for Women Educators, dedicated to giving recognition to teachers who have proved themselves to be strong, efficient, professional teachers, building fraternal fellowships which will be valuable professionally and socially, promoting high standards of education and assisting in strengthening the status of the teaching profession, and sponsoring scholarships and altruistic programs and cooperating with worthy community programs. New York State Mu Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa represents all of Sullivan County. Chapter members are teachers in good standing and teachers who have retired from full-time duties but continue to be active in the teaching profession. Mu Chapter supports the Saint Jude Children’s Hospital as well as Alzheimer’s Research, two of the charities officially sponsored by Alpha Delta Kappa. Mu Chapter also supports several local charities including the Hope House Ministries, Safe Passage, and the People for People Fund. We also provide a scholarship for a student graduating from high school and going into the field of Education. 


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